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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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Just now, Magilla said:

...which was, in fact, also a central policy of the previous incumbent.


Staying out of foreign wars was actually a campaign promise, and any notion of any commitment to Ukraine went out of the window with the "Quid Pro Quo".


Far from "confronting" anyone, the entire foreign policy was to ingratiate and legitimise them at every opportunity!


No-one who supports Trump can claim any high ground here, Trumps commitment to "confronting" any of the bears was significantly less than at any time in living memory!


Anybody ever told you that this is Joe's war?


The other guy got fired, remember?



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4 hours ago, trastrick said:



That Bear is already in the chicken coop, eating the chickens. Farmer West let him in, and gave him his first big meal. Now he's back for more.


Farmer West is in his house, scared to come out and confront him. When some of his family ask him why? He tells em he has no intention of confronting the bear, let the chickens do it.


He's just hoping the Bear will die of indigestion. :)


Meanwhile the chickens (Ukrainans) are being slaughtered.


Stay safe!  :)




Meanwhile, you're advocating Farmer West just hands over a chunk of the chicken coop to the bear with an implicit understanding that you'll allow him to take the rest if he comes back for it in the future.

1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Anybody ever told you that this is Joe's war?


The other guy got fired, remember?



It's Putin's war, not Joe's.


You're forgetting the other guy's encouragement of Putin by blocking of military aid to Ukraine and his attempts to undermine NATO.

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The "narrative" that Ukraine has the Russians on the run, is running into reality lately!


Ukraine is running out of ammunition as prospects dim on the battlefield


"SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — The euphoria that accompanied Ukraine’s unforeseen early victories against bumbling Russian troops is fading as Moscow adapts its tactics, recovers its stride and asserts its overwhelming firepower against heavily outgunned Ukrainian forces.


"Newly promised Western weapons systems are arriving, but too slowly and in insufficient quantities to prevent incremental but inexorable Russian gains in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, which is now the focus of the fight.

The Ukrainians are still fighting back, but they are running out of ammunition and suffering casualties at a far higher rate than in the initial stages of the war. Around 200 Ukrainian soldiers are now being killed every day, up from 100 late last month, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky told the BBC on Friday — meaning that as many as 1,000 Ukrainians are being taken out of the fight every day, including those who are injured.


"But the overall trajectory of the war has unmistakably shifted away from one of unexpectedly dismal Russian failures and tilted in favor of Russia as the demonstrably stronger force.



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The Guardian


Pope Francis says Ukraine war was ‘perhaps somehow provoked’

Pontiff condemns ‘cruelty’ of Russian troops while warning against perception of conflict as good v evil


"Pope Francis has said Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine was “perhaps somehow provoked” as he recalled a conversation in the run-up to the war in which he was warned Nato was “barking at the gates of Russia”.

In an interview with the Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, conducted last month and published on Tuesday, the pontiff condemned the “ferocity and cruelty of the Russian troops” while warning against what he said was a fairytale perception of the conflict as good versus evil.


“We need to move away from the usual Little Red Riding Hood pattern, in that Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad one,” he said. “Something global is emerging and the elements are very much entwined.”


"Francis added that a couple of months before the war he met a head of state, who he did not identify but described as “a wise man who speaks little, a very wise man indeed … He told me that he was very worried about how Nato was moving. I asked him why, and he replied: ‘They are barking at the gates of Russia. They don’t understand that the Russians are imperial and can’t have any foreign power getting close to them.’”


He added: “We do not see the whole drama unfolding behind this war, which was, perhaps, somehow either provoked or not prevented.”




I rarely agree with the Pope on anything, but I think he's on solid ground here!


After all, Putin invaded, after Biden said he would not oppose Russia militarily over Ukraine. (and hadn't done in the Obama Administration, when they took over Crimea.


Provoked, or "invited"? In any case El Papa was right when he said it was "not prevented".

Edited by trastrick
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Update on the War in Europe


The Guardian - Today



In the UK, the former Commander Joint Forces Command of the British army, Gen Richard Barrons, has been interviewed by Sky News about the current situation in Ukraine. He had this to say on the prospect for humanitarian corridors out of Sievierodonetsk, where some 10,000 civilians are said to be trapped:

It’s very unlikely to work until – and unless – Russia sees advantage in doing that. And so were Russia to decide it has gone as far as it wants to, or can, in the Donbas, it might try and make a virtue of letting people out of cities like this, so that they no longer are a threat to them, and they no longer have to look after them.

He stressed that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin seems very secure in his position, observing:

This isn’t a war just between Putin and Ukraine. This is a war where a large number of the Russian population genuinely supports it. It’s a combination of the information that they receive, and also their view of Russian history and Russia’s place in the world. This is not just a war with a small clique in the Kremlin.

Barrons said that Russia’s action would have to prompt a strategic rethink from Nato, telling viewers:

In the short to medium term, Nato is revitalising itself because it’s seen what Russia is really like under Putin and what it’s capable of doing. So it’s going to reset the conventional defence and deterrence of Europe, with the new members as they line up.

He suggested that western countries needed to offer further military support to Ukraine, saying:

I think everyone has to be impressed by the spirit of national resistance we’ve seen from Ukraine. We should recognise they knew this day would come. They knew Russians would invade again after 2014. And we should also recognise that that we simply failed to give them the military means they needed to deter and defeat that invasion. And now we’re all playing catch up. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/jun/16/russia-ukraine-war-european-leaders-expected-to-meet-in-kyiv-us-pledges-further-1bn-arms-package-live#top-of-blog



Looks like the West will continue it's war against Russia, to the last Ukranian fighter, if necessary!

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There certainly seems to be an aspect of Russian culture that is revelling in this conflict, both with the Ukraine and the wider Western World, they seem to love the 'them vs us' position they have put themselves in.


In the grander scheme of things the wars been an unmitigated disaster for Russia.  This was a war they expected to win quickly and win easily, they'd march into the country and have full control before anyone else can react.


Instead we're months on, they've captured a thin sliver of land and suffered immense loss of men and machine.

The once formidable Russian armed forces are a laughing stock and the bloody warfare has lead several neutral countries to seek membership of NATO to protect themselves.

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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

Update on the War in Europe


The Guardian - Today



In the UK, the former Commander Joint Forces Command of the British army, Gen Richard Barrons, has been interviewed by Sky News about the current situation in Ukraine. He had this to say on the prospect for humanitarian corridors out of Sievierodonetsk, where some 10,000 civilians are said to be trapped:

It’s very unlikely to work until – and unless – Russia sees advantage in doing that. And so were Russia to decide it has gone as far as it wants to, or can, in the Donbas, it might try and make a virtue of letting people out of cities like this, so that they no longer are a threat to them, and they no longer have to look after them.

He stressed that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin seems very secure in his position, observing:

This isn’t a war just between Putin and Ukraine. This is a war where a large number of the Russian population genuinely supports it. It’s a combination of the information that they receive, and also their view of Russian history and Russia’s place in the world. This is not just a war with a small clique in the Kremlin.

Barrons said that Russia’s action would have to prompt a strategic rethink from Nato, telling viewers:

In the short to medium term, Nato is revitalising itself because it’s seen what Russia is really like under Putin and what it’s capable of doing. So it’s going to reset the conventional defence and deterrence of Europe, with the new members as they line up.

He suggested that western countries needed to offer further military support to Ukraine, saying:

I think everyone has to be impressed by the spirit of national resistance we’ve seen from Ukraine. We should recognise they knew this day would come. They knew Russians would invade again after 2014. And we should also recognise that that we simply failed to give them the military means they needed to deter and defeat that invasion. And now we’re all playing catch up. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/jun/16/russia-ukraine-war-european-leaders-expected-to-meet-in-kyiv-us-pledges-further-1bn-arms-package-live#top-of-blog



Looks like the West will continue it's war against Russia, to the last Ukranian fighter, if necessary!

Equally valid to say that it looks like Russia will continue its war against Ukraine, to the last Ukrainian fighter, if necessary.

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14 hours ago, cgksheff said:

Equally valid to say that it looks like Russia will continue its war against Ukraine, to the last Ukrainian fighter, if necessary.

Not really.


The Russians are putting their own troops on the ground in their war against the West.


Big difference!  :)


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War against the Ukraine, Russia has invaded Ukraine.


If you're trying to make out this war is some kind of fight against Western oppression, you could well find yourself banned.

This is no place for false information, Russian propaganda or anyone supporting the barbaric Russian invasion.

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