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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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4 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Yea  . its great :rolleyes:

i didnt mean its great, but its amazing..and shocking to see things you dont normally see up close and personal, and puts to bed some of the lies that the Russians are propagating, when you see debris raining down on a quiet park full of families, kids etc it really brings it home that they arent attacking military stores.

Edited by melthebell
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12 hours ago, melthebell said:

i didnt mean its great, but its amazing..and shocking to see things you dont normally see up close and personal, and puts to bed some of the lies that the Russians are propagating, when you see debris raining down on a quiet park full of families, kids etc it really brings it home that they arent attacking military stores.

What you are seeeing "up close" is the reality of war. Yet another war in Europe, in a tradition that goes back 2,000 years.


If it takes such images, for you to be able to "put to bed some of the lies" of tyranical totalitarians, so be it.


But it's a reality that the Ukrainians are facing alone, while the Western pearl clutchers cheeer them on from the comfort of their tellys, and coninue to send $billions ($31 billion, since the war began) to the very same totalitarian tyrant, that that is financing his war.


As long as such logic prevails in humanity, it will alwas be thus!


Edited by trastrick
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59 minutes ago, trastrick said:


What you are seeeing "up close" is the reality of war. Yet another war in Europe, in a tradition that goes back 2,000 years.


If it takes such images, for you to be able to "put to bed some of the lies" of tyranical totalitarians, so be it.


But it's a reality that the Ukrainians are facing alone, while the Western pearl clutchers cheeer them on from the comfort of their tellys, and coninue to send $billions ($31 billion, since the war began) to the very same totalitarian tyrant, that that is financing his war.


As long as such logic prevails in humanity, it will alwas be thus!


Perhaps we should turn off the TV ,roll back the settee and declare war properly( as we always seemed to do in the past) , unless we feel that Russia is a step too  far that is ?.

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34 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Perhaps we should turn off the TV ,roll back the settee and declare war properly( as we always seemed to do in the past) , unless we feel that Russia is a step too  far that is ?.

You have hit the nub of the gist!  :)


In a single sentence!


If history is any guide, the West should recognize that the vast majority of the World, does not share their old and dicredited colonial view that they are somehow morally superior. Their democracies are frail, and rife with the same human corruption to be found everywhere.  Germany, under it's new flag, is still dominating Europe, and expanding under the guise of NATO, EU, and there are those here, who happily vote for that.


The West faces totalitarian nuclear armed states that will not accept their forms of government. They are the majority of the world's population.


There  are only two options. 


One is to eliminate, by force, our perceived enemies. with all means at our disposal. (Yes, Virginia, THAT one too!)


Or do what sane and sober minds did in the past. Find a way to co-exist. That option kept the world in relative peace and equilibrium for 70 years.


With co-existence, unlimited travel, trade, cultural, sporting, educational exchanges there is hope that quality of life issues will dominate agendas, and people themselves will decide whether they want to live under the jackboot of totalitarians, or obtain the freedoms that the Western Democracies have come to enjoy.  Yatchts, hotels, world wide vacations, Premiership teams, freedom to travel and invest in the West are a powerful incentive.


Isolating them, demonizing and denigrating them, trying to starve them economically in the hopes of some "enlightened" domestic popular revolution (AKA 'regime change") never works, and is seeen as an affront to their diginity. It actually hardens their resolve.


To change hearts and minds is a generational undertaking. To lead is to show by example.


Unfortunately some will prefer to opt for "safety and security" under authority, as another poster here recently suggested, even in the West, and are more than willing to give up personal freedoms in order to maintain that dependency.


So you are left with the choices!


Co-exist or go to War!


Don't expect the hapless Ukrainians to do it for you!  They can't win.


I hope you make a wise choice, because I'm outa there, and I'll be long gone before the votes are in!


Good luck!

Edited by trastrick
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Good points , except the 70 years of peace.   , In my life time (80 years ) we seem to have been at war with some one almost yearly , from Korea (China really) to Argentina , Egypt , the Arab Countries and so on (we even had a pop at Israel at one time . So real peace   in our time I have never seen and doubt very much if I ever will .

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Just now, Leo Tomlinson said:

Good points , except the 70 years of peac thee.   , In my life time (80 years ) we seem to have been at war with some one almost yearly , from Korea (China really) to Argentina , Egypt , the Arab Countries and so on (we even had a pop at Israel at one time . So real peace   in our time I have never seen and doubt very much if I ever will .

I was talking about major geopolitical wars between the 2 great Military Powers (now 3)


I think you knew that, but here, in the first major European War since WW2, we are getting awfully close!

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

I was talking about major geopolitical wars between the 2 great Military Powers (now 3)


I think you knew that, but here, in the first major European War since WW2, we are getting awfully close!

Yep we are , One puff and we will be gone( on this small Island) , The vast landed Three will maybe escape with some structure intact but us lot in the UK will just be a memory .

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