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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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2 hours ago, rogets said:

Over the past 2 years the British have shown how brave and tough they are 


Would the Russians be foolish enough to challenge? 

Putin needs to careful, one look at Boris and he will laugh his self to death.  Boris is only danderous to this country,  because of his Bafoonery he will end up getting us Nuked.:loopy:

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19 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yeah, I see that now. Like I say I didn't read it properly,  saw my name in bold and jumped to the wrong conclusion. 


As for Putins lies, yup he probably tells some whoppers but he's a politician.  They all lie. It's in their nature. However I still don't buy that Russia is the aggressor. I believe the problem lies with nato and American aggression.  Wanting to surround Russia on most sides. I think putins paranoia is justified. 

There wasn't a Ukraine crisis until 200.000 Russian troops appeared on the border?

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3 minutes ago, melthebell said:

There wasn't a Ukraine crisis until 200.000 Russian troops appeared on the border?

Oh there was Mel,

Ukraine have aspirations to join NATO..

Mr. Putin will have none of that, his intention is to take control of Ukraine, and stop this happening.

Very complicated, its Russia's problem not ours..

Lots of blood been spilt with us and N.I.


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8 minutes ago, melthebell said:

I don't know, it was a rough number, I'd seen 170.000 - 180.000 bandied about.

It's a lot to suddenly find outside your door though

Rough number?

No, it's an exaggeration of the number. 

And they are on their side of the border in their own country and can do whatever maneuvers,  practice, war games they like..

And to correct the msm war mongers it isn't the Ukraine border 

It's the Russia/Ukraine or Ukraine/Russia  border.

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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Rough number?

No, it's an exaggeration of the number. 

And they are on their side of the border in their own country and can do whatever maneuvers,  practice, war games they like..

And to correct the msm war mongers it isn't the Ukraine border 

It's the Russia/Ukraine or Ukraine/Russia  border.

Western propagander.

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I think Putin is having some kind of mental breakdown...

His personality seems to have changed from coolly ruthless to agitated and aggressive...Macron thought so after meeting him.

There are rumours about of his ill health and if he is indeed a wounded, paranoid, semi recluse in his bunker, then that makes him totally unpredictable and very dangerous.

What if he decides he is personally on his way out of this world and might as well "right all those perceived wrongs" before he goes?


The only things that can be truly predicted are that come Saturday, the Stop The War coalition will be outside the Town Hall protesting against NATO aggression...and that the Council will be flying the Donetsk separatist flag on the roof and issuing strongly worded statements in support of our comrades over there.


Perhaps it is time for the Council to pay a fraternal visit to their twin city of Donetsk...then they might start living in the real world?


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