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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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The west walked into the energy trap that Putin has spent decades in the making IMO but that trap will never work twice. On the other hand Putin failed to recognise Russian industries were totally reliant on imported electronic components, especially the armaments sector. Since sanctions started to bite he has prepared a wish list of components to be sourced whatever it takes. Predictably microchips are on there but other stuff includes capacitors, transistors and transformers. This is all ancient tech that Russia is apparently unable to make for itself. An attempt to make critical components for night vision goggles came to nothing after billions in investment. An investigation by the Norwegians traced the money through various shell companies until it landed in the accounts of two children of Russian army officers. So with the loss of its energy exports and weapon exports, rampant corruption and the failure of its military I would personally conclude that the west is still in a damn sight better position than Russia is at the moment.

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

It would be the worst army in the world, if they DIDN'T cut off their enemy's oil and Gas.  :)


Only libs/socialists would not understand the logic.



How many other invading armies have done that from a distance and at specific targets like gas and electric?

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On 12/09/2022 at 20:45, Jim117 said:

The Kremlin is basically trying to pass this off as some kind of tactical regroup which is clearly a load of old cobblers.

Exact same excuse they gave when running away from Kyiv wasn't it?


On 12/09/2022 at 20:45, Jim117 said:

The Russians have fallen for a misdirection campaign then been hit by a well planned and resourced attack concealed by good operational security. 


Although things in the South are going very slowly, so it looks like they made the decision to properly defend there over territory further North.


I don't know if it's a brilliant mis-direction or simply a sign the Russians were never going to be able to hold all the land, so would have to decide what they were going to put effort into keeping.

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Sorry, I never thought such a question could be seriously asked?


The WW2 bombing raids over Germany come to mind. Likewise the German bombing of Britain.


Ports, rail, dams, airfields, bridges, munitions, factories are usually the prime targets in any war.


Then there's the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, such as dropping Atomic Bombs of the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


War is Hell!


May you personally never experience it!


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You talk about indiscriminate bombing which goes on in every war. But this was not indiscriminate it was targeted at a specific target along with the dam that they have just bombed in order to deprive people of water. It had no military value whatsoever, just spite because it was the place where Zelensky lived. Oh, and bye the way I have experienced bombing personally, so I am not talking out of the back of my head.

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25 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

You talk about indiscriminate bombing which goes on in every war. But this was not indiscriminate it was targeted at a specific target along with the dam that they have just bombed in order to deprive people of water. It had no military value whatsoever, just spite because it was the place where Zelensky lived.

The allied bombing of places like Dresden, the much lauded Dam Busters operation, (I can still hum the tune!  :) )and the Hiroshima and Nagasiki Atom Bombs were specifically designed to;


1. Reduce the enemy's ability to make war, by destroying a country's infrastructure.




2. To weaken the enemy's will to resist, by making their lives hell!


It's called WAR!


Which is why it should be entered only as a last resort, and then only with the will and the determine to win "AT ALL COSTS".


Right now the West has decided to finance the war, but let the brave Ukranians pay the terrible cost in lives, and destruction.


It is a cynical debacle and travesty.


Because the hapless and dysfunctional West are financing both sides.


1. By providing weapons to the brave Ukraian fighters, and


2. Paying obcene anounts of money to Totalitarian Putin for his Oil and Gas, which helps him in his War against the Ukraine.


(Imagine the Allies, depending on, and paying  Hitler for his Volkswagons, during WW2, and you might understand the enormity and immorality of the fiasco!)

Edited by trastrick
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