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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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While it's been common knowledge for quite some time, I don't think there's ever been such a stark and honest statement from the Kremlin about Wagner as just came out of Putin's mouth:



"I would like everyone to know that the whole of the Wagner group was funded by the state - by the defence ministry and the state budget. We fully funded this group,"

From the sounds of things, they are planning to investigate the use of funds paid to Wagner, probably as a means to charge Prigozhin with embezzlement or something similar.

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7 hours ago, geared said:

If last nights public address is any indication it would appear Wagner is to be broken up.  Fighters are offered to join the Russian army, go home or go join their leader.

I doubt many will opt to join their leader in Belarus.


Once stripped of his army, Prigozhin is a much easier target for Putin to deal with.  There was also mention of others being involved in the coup, so no doubt a witch hunt is on behind the scenes.


It's widely believed the damage is done, the Russian public can be in no doubt the official propaganda is total rubbish and Putin is not an all powerful, all knowing demi-god.

Sounds like the chef is done for . Probably wouldn’t be worth him doing a Christmas card list . 

As for Putin , hopefully this is the beginning of the end 

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15 minutes ago, atticus said:

Sounds like the chef is done for . Probably wouldn’t be worth him doing a Christmas card list . 

As for Putin , hopefully this is the beginning of the end 

They say,  "All things come to them who wait"   hopefully

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2 hours ago, geared said:

While it's been common knowledge for quite some time, I don't think there's ever been such a stark and honest statement from the Kremlin about Wagner as just came out of Putin's mouth:


From the sounds of things, they are planning to investigate the use of funds paid to Wagner, probably as a means to charge Prigozhin with embezzlement or something similar.

It could well be a reminder to the Wagner grunts just who has been paying their wages all this time and to who they should therefore owe their allegiance.

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9 minutes ago, altus said:

It could well be a reminder to the Wagner grunts just who has been paying their wages all this time and to who they should therefore owe their allegiance.

they are mercenaries, they dont have an allegiance

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6 minutes ago, melthebell said:

they are mercenaries, they dont have an allegiance

They do if they want to continue being paid. I suspect the Russian state has access to more funds than Prigozhin.

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1 hour ago, altus said:

It could well be a reminder to the Wagner grunts just who has been paying their wages all this time and to who they should therefore owe their allegiance.


Perhaps, although they've always been very careful to make it known the two were not the same.  So such a frank statement is interesting, especially if they decide to keep this group going.  


You'd think now they've had such a clear warning about allowing huge private armies to form, they'd make sure Wagner disappeared along with their leader.

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13 hours ago, trastrick said:

You must be new here!  :)


Too late to talk about feeding the Bear. That was done in 2014,  under Obama/Biden, when the Bear was allowed to swallow Crimea. and now he's in the process of digesting another chunk. It's not complicated. :)


I take issue with your flawed assumption that Putin is a NAZI.


His Communist allies, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and South Africa, (ANC) certainly  don't see him as such,, but you may be privy to some intel, that they don't have!  :)


Even the West see him as wanting to reconstitute the old U.S.S.R.


Reality is, the propaganda that Putin is weak, is a crock. He actually enjoys more domestic support than any Western "leader" you can name, and a majority of the World's population to boot!


Matter of fact as far as I can tell. I'm the only one here that has consistently offered a solution to end this war. The rest of the armchair telly warmonger are content to "stay the course", for "as long as it takes". and "fight to the last Ukrainian",


This will inevitably end with a negotiated cease fire, and diplomatic settlement, but right now there is no interest being shown by the West, or even the U.N. in bringing the slaughter and destruction to an end, anytime soon.


It will take new Western leadership with a new approach, to get us out of this latest war, like we did in Viet Nam, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan.


With partition of ethnic Russian speaking regions, under U.N. Mandate and Supervision.


It's all been done before. Austria/Hungary, Ethiopia, India, Sudan, Palestine, Korea, Ireland, et al.See Korea, Palestine.


How so?  :)


New here, seriously? Do you have dementia? It doesn’t matter how a government defines itself, a nazi is a nazi. Also, you just got called out by Organgrinder who is also correct. Give it a rest ffs! There will be no justice until Ukraine gets its territory back and the old men in Russia give up their imperial fantasies. 




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2 minutes ago, Jim117 said:

New here, seriously? Do you have dementia? It doesn’t matter how a government defines itself, a nazi is a nazi. Also, you just got called out by Organgrinder who is also correct. Give it a rest ffs! There will be no justice until Ukraine gets its territory back and the old men in Russia give up their imperial fantasies. 




Shall I take it you're on Team Zelensky then? 

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