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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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9 hours ago, Jim117 said:

New here, seriously? Do you have dementia? It doesn’t matter how a government defines itself, a nazi is a nazi. Also, you just got called out by Organgrinder who is also correct. Give it a rest ffs! There will be no justice until Ukraine gets its territory back and the old men in Russia give up their imperial fantasies. 






Mail your insider intel to the Embassies of Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and South Africa, (ANC) .


They'll be quite surprised to hear that their main ally in the war against Ukraine, Putin, is a NAZI.


So will a good number of the Russian population no doubt!


But don't give up your day job!  :)


As for Organgrinder?


In his passive/aggressive pursuit of always being right in the end, his critical attacks on posters he doesn't agree with,  wax and wane with the attitudes expressed by the majority on this board.


Always a finger to the wind, he can be even slavish and fawning to certain posters, with whom he disagrees with, if his peers show him the way! Then, it's a hearty, "I agree".  


Lots of generalized revisionist explaining about "what I said." about any subject, as if what he said in earlier posts, is no longer operable.


He can be fun to interact with, but don't look for a rational, consistent viewpoint to take seriously!


He WILL find a way to argue that he's been right, all along!


Bless him! :)



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If I was Ukraine , I'd be keeping a very close eye on the northern border with Belarus just in case the tiff between Putin and Prighozin was a cover for relocating the Wagner group to a much shorter road to Kyiv.

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30 minutes ago, Longcol said:

If I was Ukraine , I'd be keeping a very close eye on the northern border with Belarus just in case the tiff between Putin and Prighozin was a cover for relocating the Wagner group to a much shorter road to Kyiv.

Good thinking Batman :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Longcol said:

If I was Ukraine , I'd be keeping a very close eye on the northern border with Belarus just in case the tiff between Putin and Prighozin was a cover for relocating the Wagner group to a much shorter road to Kyiv.

Have you told zelensky?

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13 hours ago, Longcol said:

If I was Ukraine , I'd be keeping a very close eye on the northern border with Belarus just in case the tiff between Putin and Prighozin was a cover for relocating the Wagner group to a much shorter road to Kyiv.

Can’t see it. If there is/was a plan to relocate Wagner in Belarus for a fresh go at Kiev, why undermine Putin with a fake putsch and draw faction lines between Russian services? Might as well just do that relocating, quiet like.


Russian services have since taken to infighting like rats in a sack (esp FSB vs Army (Shoigu faction) currently) and the only party which this state of affairs helps, is Ukraine.

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There is/are signs of activity in Belarus, that could indicate Wagner is setting up a base there.  Obviously the big question is how many Wagner fighters have made the trip, enough to matter?




Russia delivered nuclear weapons to Belarus recently, perhaps in an attempt to stop NATO forces attacking the country if it decided to join the war.



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34 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Slightly off topic, but can Russia still be classed as a world super power, I think not?

Owning a larger supply of nukes that any other nation, I think qualifies them for that title.

Don't be misled by their poor performance on a  WW2 type battlefield,  and don't underrate the ferocity of the Ukrainian resistance.  with the help of modern weapons from the West.

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2 hours ago, crookesey said:

Slightly off topic, but can Russia still be classed as a world super power, I think not?

It’s been a while since Russia featured in the ‘super power’ class.


The global anchor points nowadays are China, the US and the EU (in no particular order), and India is inching up.

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16 minutes ago, L00b said:

It’s been a while since Russia featured in the ‘super power’ class.


The global anchor points nowadays are China, the US and the EU (in no particular order), and India is inching up.

Tell that to Putin then.

Why is the  West standing by and letting him do as he pleases and making illegal war on innocent civilians.

He's had the upper hand for years and we have stood and watched him getting away with it whilst doing almost nothing.

Of course they're a Superpower or we would have intervened as is our usual custom.


Edited by Organgrinder
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