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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

How many illegal wars did you take part in?


What would make a coward daft enough to keep pursuing these stupid questions ?

We are debating Ukraine not me.


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25 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Carry on supporting a free nation to stay a free nation and remind Putin that a tactical nuclear strike would be rewarded by a tactical nuclear

For how long?


Would you cheer it on to the last man, woman and child?


At what cost in Ukrainian lives and treasure?


What do the citizens think?


Some 6 million have already fled the Country, and some quarter of a million killed and injured.


And you can be assured that Putin is well aware of the Nuclear Stakes involved, already!



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18 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I never said he was.  Unlike you,  I know what I'm talking about.

So you really wouldn't  need to "have the balls not to surrender to Putin" ?  :)



I'm off!  Maybe tomorrow?


Give you the last word!

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Ah, afraid to answer then? 

I'm not surprised if I'm honest.

Afraid to answer what ?

Why should I be afraid of someone like you  who believes in surrendering?

You must be joking.

Reduced to your favourite fall  back trick now,  when you run out of  argument, change the debate to the  poster instead.

Still intent on surrendering to Putin then ? 

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How does such a subject get reduced to such trite comments .

We may have differing opinions on the rights and wrongs of the numerous conflicts around the world.

As regards Ukraine it would seem that if you support their cause then you are deemed to be an armchair warrior with no concern for loss of human life and the devastation suffered by the general population.

Some predicted that the Russian forces would achieve their objectives within days or weeks and considered this to be the least damaging outcome.

However that is not human nature is it?

Some would favour appeasement and accept life under the control of a foreign power,but there will always be resistance from others who are prepared to lose their lives for a cause.

That applies to former USSR states,Northern Ireland,Israel,Occupied France and any of numerous other local and national  and international conflicts.

Invading forces are rarely welcomed with the same enthusiasm as Austria mustered for Hitler.

So until such time as foreign forces advance on your neighbourhood who knows the reality of bravery or cowardice and whether the losses are worth the pain.




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20 minutes ago, RJRB said:

How does such a subject get reduced to such trite comments .

We may have differing opinions on the rights and wrongs of the numerous conflicts around the world.

As regards Ukraine it would seem that if you support their cause then you are deemed to be an armchair warrior with no concern for loss of human life and the devastation suffered by the general population.

Some predicted that the Russian forces would achieve their objectives within days or weeks and considered this to be the least damaging outcome.

However that is not human nature is it?

Some would favour appeasement and accept life under the control of a foreign power,but there will always be resistance from others who are prepared to lose their lives for a cause.

That applies to former USSR states,Northern Ireland,Israel,Occupied France and any of numerous other local and national  and international conflicts.

Invading forces are rarely welcomed with the same enthusiasm as Austria mustered for Hitler.

So until such time as foreign forces advance on your neighbourhood who knows the reality of bravery or cowardice and whether the losses are worth the pain.


True enough.  i wouldn't disagree on that.

I do disagree with your bottom line because the two posters  I have been arguing with,  are both in favour of letting Putin have Ukraine and, as the horror  is already happening ,

it isn't about whether foreign forces invade our neighbourhood or not.  It's about should we carry on with our present actions ?

Further than that, As Ukraine does not belong to us, it would be wrong of the West,  to do a deal with Putin whereby he could keep chunks of it.

My view is,  that we should carry on as we are doing and keep supporting Ukraine.

Maybe your interjection will help to bring the debate back to the real subject of the thread.


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43 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Afraid to answer what ?


How many illegal wars did you take part in?

44 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Why should I be afraid of someone like you  who believes in surrendering?


Ah yes, you're very brave....

As long as its someone else doing the fighting and dying. 


45 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Reduced to your favourite fall  back trick now,  when you run out of  argument, change the debate to the  poster instead.


My argument is doing fine but thank you for your concern 

46 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Still intent on surrendering to Putin then ? 

Still happy for people to fight and die as long as its not you eh?

So stunning 

So brave

I wonder who will play you in the movie..

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10 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

How many illegal wars did you take part in?

What the hell has that got to do with you ?  I could equally ask you how much benefit does the country pay you. 


Ah yes, you're very brave....

I never said anywhere at all that I was very brave but, I am NOT one for surrendering.


As long as its someone else doing the fighting and dying. 

We.ve been in a few wars in recent years and, as far as I know, someone else was doing the fighting and dying for you.  What's the difference ?


Here we go again.  He has no intention of discussing Ukraine.  I am his interest. 

Just a troll

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