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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

The Tsarist empire, actually, if you listen to him carefully.


No different to Hitler’s Lebensraum doctrine and salami tactics BITD.


The man has become a geopolitical liability too great to ignore, between showing up the West’s timidity and lighting other autocratic countries’ own imperialistic initiatives, and the cost of doing nothing (well, not enough) is mounting by the day - well beyond Russia/Ukraine (…and Belarus, de facto annexed last week, and which no one seems to be talking about much).


China is watching, and eyeing up Taiwan afresh.

Not to mention the assorted mad mullah's!


1 hour ago, spilldig said:

Too right.  America very nearly started WW 3  with that one. 

Fact is but for America, you  might be speaking German or Russian today!  :)


Let's face it from an historical point of view.


Some 3.5 billion people hate today's Western Democracy, and they are on  the move (again).


Who will stop them?  Words won't do it.


Where's the will?



Edited by trastrick
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17 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I’m sure it was  on the news a few weeks ago that British soldiers are in Ukraine training their army but I could be wrong.  I agree that we shouldn’t get involved.

There was this:

UK prepares 1,000 troops in case of refugee crisis if Ukraine invaded


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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Not to mention the assorted mad mullah's!



Aye, them too.

Wondering why France and other countries’ militaries are pulling out of fighting djihadis in Sahel/Mali? Putin’s fingerprints are all over. It’s in his interest for Africa to remain destabilised by islamists, so as to maintain the immigration crisis in the Med and by extension with the EU.

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2 hours ago, L00b said:

The Tsarist empire, actually, if you listen to him carefully.


No different to Hitler’s Lebensraum doctrine and salami tactics BITD.


The man has become a geopolitical liability too great to ignore, between showing up the West’s timidity and lighting other autocratic countries’ own imperialistic initiatives, and the cost of doing nothing (well, not enough) is mounting by the day - well beyond Russia/Ukraine (…and Belarus, de facto annexed last week, and which no one seems to be talking about much).


China is watching, and eyeing up Taiwan afresh.

Belarus was de facto annexed when Putin supported Lukashenko's suppression of the protests about the 2020 election.

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

Aye, them too.

Wondering why France and other countries’ militaries are pulling out of fighting djihadis in Sahel/Mali? Putin’s fingerprints are all over. It’s in his interest for Africa to remain destabilised by islamists, so as to maintain the immigration crisis in the Med and by extension with the EU.

All invasions are not Military.  Even Putin seeks a diplomatic excuse for going in.


That's PR at work.


Just sheer numbers can do it!


Before you know it the Germans could dominate Europe, oh wait, they do!


And mosques can go up in your neighborhood, oh wait!


But today most folks are globalists, except for a few dinosaurs like Boris and Trump, who don't matter.


And after all, diversity is wonderful!


(While it lasts)

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5 hours ago, crookesey said:

Following the attack on Pearl Harbour our greatest ally prefers to fight it’s wars in other folks back yards. Everything must be done to avoid war through political debate, haven’t we learned anything from two brutal World Wars?

Not just that but Russia can cripple any enemy without firing a single shot thanks to their hackers.

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1 hour ago, altus said:

Belarus was de facto annexed when Putin supported Lukashenko's suppression of the protests about the 2020 election.

That was regime meddling, no different to Ukraine in 2004 (save for the obvious difference, that Putin and Yanukovych failed in 2004).


The  Russian army had yet to put boots on the ground last year. That is now done.

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Let's not forget that Ukraine is not part of the NATO alliance. I had to be bad prophet, but this is what likely to happen here :

Russian army will attack, they will take about 2/3 of Ukraine. There will be some kind of puppet style government, similar to WW2 Quisling. They will enforce zero tolerance for any kind of opposition.  This is not 1940s, so some kind of guerilla resistance war is not likely with today's technology, not to mention FSB and their counter intelligence work, which is,  you like it or not, top notch. The rest, 1/3 will be Ukraine with no functional economy. West will do, well, nothing. They will send number of protest notes. And there will be completely new, large refugee waive.


And I am sincerely hope that I am wrong about everything.



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21 minutes ago, croat77 said:

Let's not forget that Ukraine is not part of the NATO alliance. I had to be bad prophet, but this is what likely to happen here :

Russian army will attack, they will take about 2/3 of Ukraine. There will be some kind of puppet style government, similar to WW2 Quisling. They will enforce zero tolerance for any kind of opposition.  This is not 1940s, so some kind of guerilla resistance war is not likely with today's technology, not to mention FSB and their counter intelligence work, which is,  you like it or not, top notch. The rest, 1/3 will be Ukraine with no functional economy. West will do, well, nothing. They will send number of protest notes. And there will be completely new, large refugee waive.


And I am sincerely hope that I am wrong about everything.

Russia can have a go, but it cannot hold Ukraine. It’s not a two-bit of land without much population, resources and support, like Georgia or Crimea were. It’s too large and populous.

It would end up like Chechnya, only vastly super-scaled, and for however strong Putin’s stranglehold on domestic power is in Russia, 145m Russians would tire soon enough of the endless procession of caskets.


Edit: ironically enough, now that the Minsk agreement is ended (per Putin’s own words), there is no more statutory obstacle to Ukraine requesting NATO membership. How’s that for a cat amongst the pigeons?

Edited by L00b
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Is it any surprise that Obama/Biden giving up Ukraine Crimea, Syria, Afghanistan, without a fight, and signaling there'll be no military defense of Taiwan, that the Totalitarians are now licking their chops over which pieces they choose to take over next!


Today Biden announced, "We have no intention of fighting Russia!"


Biden even lifted Trump sanctions on the Russian gas pipeline, but now has found religion, too late, and said it will not go forward.


That horse has left the stable!  Europe will not permanently give up Russian Energy, Deals will be made, no different to their opposition to Ukraine's NATO membership.




Typical Biden mumbo jumbo read speech!  And of course, no questions from the shouting press allowed!

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