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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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1 minute ago, geared said:

Still constantly whining that everyone keeps calling him a Putin sympathiser though.





True,  but he still hasn't twigged that he's bringing it on himself.    Don't know how that brainwashing reached him all the way from Russia to the Caribbean.


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36 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Correct.  He was a Putin puppet

There's a good argument to be made that Zelensky is a corrupt Western Liberal New World Order puppet.


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

The people wanted to be free and have a democracy and that's what they got.

Putin's been trying to put it back ever since which led to the present situation.

Putin is afraid that if the people of Russia see a democracy beside them, they will want the same freedoms as Ukraine and he won't allow that.

The Russian speaking people in the Republic of Crimea, The People's Republic of Luhansk, and the People's Republic of Donetsk want that freedom, too.


They saw their legally elected President of Ukraine overthrown by a Western inspired revolution in  a Civil War. So much for democracy. :)


Speaking of which, it's been a while since the Ukrainian people gave their opinion of the current mess.


Zelensky declared Martial Law, and cancelled all elections until "the war is over"


With 250,000 or so killed and maimed, and another 7, 000,000 fleeing the country, does he have domestic support? (With Martial Law it is Mandatory)


And by the way, I'm not calling you a coward, but maybe you just forgot to answer my $64,000 question for you:


You say your "solution" to the War, is to (quote)"


"Carry on supporting a free nation to stay a free nation and remind Putin that a tactical nuclear strike would be rewarded by a tactical nuclear"


To which I asked:


"For how long?  Would you cheer it on to the last man, woman and child?"


An answer is respectfully requested.


Thank you!







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17 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Zelensky declared Martial Law, and cancelled all elections until "the war is over"

Ukrainian law forbids elections when the country is under martial law.


For fairly obvious reasons, it's difficult to hold free and fair elections when another country is occupying large bits of your country.



Some perspective: The UK general election that was due to be held in 1940 was not held because we were at war and we didn't even have invaders occupying part of our country (Channel Islands excepted).

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17 minutes ago, trastrick said:

There's a good argument to be made that Zelensky is a corrupt Western Liberal New World Order puppet.

Well make it then

The Russian speaking people in the Republic of Crimea, The People's Republic of Luhansk, and the People's Republic of Donetsk want that freedom, too.

In other words,  like Scotland ?  A ballot box is a better method than a Russian invasion

They saw their legally elected President of Ukraine overthrown by a Western inspired revolution in  a Civil War. So much for democracy. :)

Do you call the elections in Russia and those in Ukraine as it was legal ???????? 

Speaking of which, it's been a while since the Ukrainian people gave their opinion of the current mess.

I'm not against them having a referendum

Zelensky declared Martial Law, and cancelled all elections until "the war is over"

That's what often happens during times of war.

With 250,000 or so killed and maimed, and another 7, 000,000 fleeing the country, does he have domestic support? (With Martial Law it is Mandatory)

I don't know and neither do you.  You had better explain what,  in Ukraine,  is mandatory and what isn't under their Martial law

And by the way, I'm not calling you a coward, but maybe you just forgot to answer my $64,000 question for you:


You say your "solution" to the War, is to (quote)"

The word  "SOLUTION"  is yours not mine.

As far as I can see,  there is no solution until Putin decides to respect the law.  If he doesn't, it would probably carry on until one or other had to give up..


"Carry on supporting a free nation to stay a free nation and remind Putin that a tactical nuclear strike would be rewarded by a tactical nuclear"


To which I asked:


"For how long?  Would you cheer it on to the last man, woman and child?"

Don't try to make me use your words   -   I would NOT   "CHEER IT ON"  I would support them for as long as they wanted to carry on the fight.

So the answer, qualified with MY WORDS   ( support  not" cheer on" )  is YES


An answer is respectfully requested.


Thank you! You are most welcome to my views.





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15 hours ago, kidley said:

the only way this war will end is, if sombody puts some lead in Putins head 

Some guy had the same idea in 1914. Something about an Archduke Ferdinand.


Started WW1 "The War to End all Wars"!


Hope they carefully think it through!  :)


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One at a time:


22 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

There's a good argument to be made that Zelensky is a corrupt Western Liberal New World Order puppet.

Well make it then

Zelensky has turned his back on Russia.


His only lifeline is the West.  The one who pays the piper calls the tune.


When the West, its politicians and/or the voters, get tired of watching and financing both sides of the conflict, and the slaughter and destruction,  Zelensky will be frog marched to the negotiating table and given a pen.  :)


Some of us believe that this is the inevitable end.


We have been,  and are, in favor of an immediate enforced, cease fire, and Internationally supervised settlement negotiations before more lives are lost in an endless war, which the military experts say could go on for years!


The lying politicians, and their pals in the Media, have been pushing propaganda that Ukraine is winning and that Putin is done for! They have promised to "stand with Ukraine" for "as long as it takes.", which means endless and unnecessary bloodshed.


They, and their clapping seal enablers will have the blood of Ukrainians on their hands.


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1 hour ago, altus said:

Ukrainian law forbids elections when the country is under martial law.


For fairly obvious reasons, it's difficult to hold free and fair elections when another country is occupying large bits of your country.



Some perspective: The UK general election that was due to be held in 1940 was not held because we were at war and we didn't even have invaders occupying part of our country (Channel Islands excepted).

Some more perspective.


In the very first permitted election held in Britain after the War, the voters "threw the bums out".


Zelensky is the consummate politician, and is no doubt aware of this, and he has stated No elections until the war is over.


Even if we believe that of his entire Administration, most of who were thrown out in January for corruption, that he is the only uncorrupted politician left in the Ukraine :).  he will remain in his role of international "Braveheart" adored by his fans in the the West.


Some see a conflict of interest there. will he be in any hurry to end the war, and face a war weary electorate?  :)


Already the West's strategy of a Zelenski blank cheque, is coming under increased scrutiny!


There will be more!





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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

One at a time:


Zelensky has turned his back on Russia.

As people do all over the world with all leaders.  Most people think he's done quite right because Putin is absolutely evil,  a dictator,  and rules by threats and fear, lies and state enforcements.

His only lifeline is the West.  The one who pays the piper calls the tune.

Every country is dependant on some other country to a large extent so they are no different to any other.

When the West, its politicians and/or the voters, get tired of watching and financing both sides of the conflict, and the slaughter and destruction,  Zelensky will be frog marched to the negotiating table and given a pen.  :)

That's only your prediction.  Could happen and could very well not happen.  you can't make wild guesses and present it as fact.

Some of us believe that this is the inevitable end.

Some of us believe the opposite and what we believe is up to each of us.  You seem to think that as you pass on your beliefs,  they become facts but they don't.


We have been,  and are, in favor of an immediate enforced, cease fire, and Internationally supervised settlement negotiations before more lives are lost in an endless war, which the military experts say could go on for years!

WHO IS WE ?   You can be in favour of what you like but we are not Putin lovers like you and we think that the choice remains that of Ukraine and we have no right to enforce anything.

You seem to favour Putin's methods of force to make people go along with your wishes and  I am completely opposed to anything like that.  Who gave you the right to choose for Ukraine ? 

The lying politicians, and their pals in the Media, have been pushing propaganda that Ukraine is winning and that Putin is done for! They have promised to "stand with Ukraine" for "as long as it takes.", which means endless and unnecessary bloodshed.

The entire world is full of liars and I don't suppose you think that Putin and his Oligarch cronies, like little boy scouts,  wouldn't tell a lie to save their lives.

They, and their clapping seal enablers will have the blood of Ukrainians on their hands.

The Ukrainian people decided to shed their blood in the name of freedom and you don't come to get a say in it.




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