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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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17 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Thank you for an interesting and sensible answer.

It's only an opinion, against the current majority view. 


As the poster above, points out, I'm a nobody, a minority of one. I'm happy with that.


But it's interesting how just one dissenting opinion from the "consensus" or the "current MSM narrative", can generate so much profanity and personal insults among certain groups of people.


I find it fascinating, so I intend to continue!


When that great book in the sky is written, we will all be on the record with our contributions, for better or worse. The internet never forgets!


Maybe I'll write one someday, or maybe I'm just gathering material!  :)



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:



To paraphrase Arthur Conan Doyle, "Some people, my Dear Watson, are incapable of seeing the "bleeding"obvious, even though it is staring them in the face!"  :)


They are the ones who blame the horse, when it tires of pulling the wagon they are all riding in.


They are the fools who will always be with us.


Human nature!  :)


I'm a big fan of Einstein and Arthur Conan Doyle's "inductive reasoning", often misread as deductive reasoning. Where ID start with a theory and ends with a prediction, whereas "Inductive reasoning" starts with observed facts, looks for a pattern, and ends with a theory.


An example of inductive reasoning that might be germain to this topic might be the following set of facts.


Which Administrations were in power when Totalitarians made their major moves, in the last 100 years. or so?


1914 WW1 Germany Invades France, Woodrow Wilson, Democrat


1939 WW2 Germany Invades Poland F.D. Roosevelt, Democrat


1941 WW2 Japan Attacks America F.D. Roosevelt, Democrat


1946 Ho Chi Min Invades ViewtNam F.D. Roosevelt, Democrat


1950 North Korea Invades S. Korea H.Truman, Democrat


1979 Iran falls to Khomeini J. Carter, Democrat


1996 Osama bin Laden Officially Declares War on U.S. W. Clinton, Democrat


2014 Russia Invades Ukraine (Crimea) B. Obama, Democrat


2021 The Taliban take over Afghanistan J. Biden, Democrat


2022 Russia Invades Ukraine (Donbas) J. Biden, Democrat


What does this tell you about the "dangers to democracy" posed by Republican Administrations, vs Democrat Administrations, which is the current "narrative" of the Left and their like minded friends in the Media.?


What would a Sherlock Holmes, or an Einstein make of this?


What do YOU make of this?


More importantly, perhaps, what a Totalitarian would deduce. 







I am not at all sure what to make of this considering that the Republican Party was in power for about half the years under review.

Are we to conclude that US foreign policy changed almost instantaneously as administrations changed?

As you have stated many times America sees itself as the leader of the Western world and very actively has promoted its own interests around the world and America first is not a new concept.

Similarly Russia seeks to regain control of its satellite states whether they like it or not.

The battle for power and control  will continue into the future irrespective of who is in the White House or the Kremlin and of course China.

Brinkmanship is the name of the game and we can only hope that no faction overplays its’ hand.



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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Possibly but they must have their reasons for supporting the invasion of Ukraine.


After they'd seen those who protested against the invasion given long jail sentences it's not surprising that those who disagree with the invasion are silent on the matter. Once being silent is seen as something those who object to the invasion do, not supporting it becomes seen as protesting. It's not difficult to see how state, or even just social, pressure could push people into voicing support for the invasion even if they don't.


That's before you get to the gaslighting of the population by the not at all independent media, etc.

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6 hours ago, trastrick said:


1914 WW1 Germany Invades France, Woodrow Wilson, Democrat


1939 WW2 Germany Invades Poland F.D. Roosevelt, Democrat


1941 WW2 Japan Attacks America F.D. Roosevelt, Democrat


1946 Ho Chi Min Invades ViewtNam F.D. Roosevelt, Democrat


1950 North Korea Invades S. Korea H.Truman, Democrat


1979 Iran falls to Khomeini J. Carter, Democrat


1996 Osama bin Laden Officially Declares War on U.S. W. Clinton, Democrat


2014 Russia Invades Ukraine (Crimea) B. Obama, Democrat


2021 The Taliban take over Afghanistan J. Biden, Democrat


2022 Russia Invades Ukraine (Donbas) J. Biden, Democrat



At a 2 second glance looks rather selective.


Nothing happen in 1956 in Hungary when Eisenhower (Rep) was president? Or 2001 when Bin Laden attacked New York and Washington - Bush (Rep) President.



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45 minutes ago, Longcol said:

At a 2 second glance looks rather selective.


Nothing happen in 1956 in Hungary when Eisenhower (Rep) was president? Or 2001 when Bin Laden attacked New York and Washington - Bush (Rep) President.



Every thing he writes is selective

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