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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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9 hours ago, Longcol said:

At a 2 second glance looks rather selective.


Nothing happen in 1956 in Hungary when Eisenhower (Rep) was president? Or 2001 when Bin Laden attacked New York and Washington - Bush (Rep) President.




Look a little longer than 2 seconds, and one could conclude that was just another part of that other War I neglected to add to my list. The Cold War, started under the   Democrat Administration of Harry Truman.


Likewise the 2001 attacks, were just another consequence of bin Laden's Official Declaration of War against the U.S. made in 1996, under the Clinton Democrat Administration.;  :)


Edited by trastrick
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7 hours ago, Longcol said:

Copies and pastes from MAGA sites more like.


Now who was US President when Iraq invaded Kuwait?

I'll give you that one, but remind you that the Bush Republican Administration responded with an immediate"Shock and Awe" force, the U.N. backed coalition of some 35 countries.


Sent Saddam running out of there, in just 2 days, he did.


Today Kuwait is free! :)


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8 hours ago, Longcol said:

Copies and pastes from MAGA sites more like. ...

Imagine the libraries full of books, theses and papers written about the wars and military action since 1914, when all historians and analysts really needed to do to reveal the TRUTH was consult HunterBidenAteMyBaby.com. 


Absolutely glorious.  Einstein and Holmes.  Lol.  I know which early twentieth century figure this guff puts me in mind of.

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7 hours ago, Longcol said:

I wonder what flavour of US president we had when Castro took over Cuba in 1959?

Give you that one. That would be Eisenhower, Republican.


But there was no real opposition in America, they cheered him on!


 Castro was a darling of the Left. He was feted in New York as a Hero.





He still is revered, by today's Leftists, and the Che Guevara t-shirt is the biggest seller of all time.  :)


And here's the Trudeau's family album:






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Seems our Volodymyr "Braveheart" Zelenskyy is running into a few headwinds, lately.


In January, he purged a dozen of his top officials for "corruption", including the latest "Top Prosecutor.


In February he fired his Top Commander of the Joint Forces Operation.


This week he fired his Ambassador to the U./K. for being critical of his lack of gratitude to the West.


Sounds like he's learned a lot from the Russians!  You brook no criticism, when you get to be Dear Leader!  :)


Begs the question, which leaders are REALLY losing their popularity at home?


Putin?  Sunak?, Macron? or Zelenskyy?

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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Seems our Volodymyr "Braveheart" Zelenskyy is running into a few headwinds, lately.


In January, he purged a dozen of his top officials for "corruption", including the latest "Top Prosecutor.


In February he fired his Top Commander of the Joint Forces Operation.


This week he fired his Ambassador to the U./K. for being critical of his lack of gratitude to the West.


Sounds like he's learned a lot from the Russians!  You brook no criticism, when you get to be Dear Leader!  :)


Begs the question, which leaders are REALLY losing their popularity at home?


Putin?  Sunak?, Macron? or Zelenskyy?

Difference is that Zelensky fires those not suitable.


Putin has his assassinated

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zelensky Says 'War' Coming To Russia After Moscow Drone Attack
By AFP - Agence France Presse
July 30, 2023


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned on Sunday that "war" was coming to Russia after three Ukrainian drones were downed over Moscow.

"Gradually, the war is returning to the territory of Russia -- to its symbolic centres and military bases, and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process," Zelensky said on a visit to the western city of Ivano-Frankivsk.




Zelenskyy is the latest in a historic line of political leaders, hell bent to escalate European territorial disputes, by attacking the Russian people, on Russian soil.


He is supported by the colonial West who call for "Regime Change" in Russia.

This to be accomplished variously by crippling the Russian economy, by force of Western military arms and technology,  by International Law (War Crimes Trials), and y by direct incitement to the Russian population to revolt against their current Leader, Putin. "For God's sake, this man can not remain in power!" - Biden, Leader of the Free World.


Zelenskyy fanboys should hope that he'll fare better in his dreams of Russian conquest, than did Napoleon and Hitler, before him.


And that the World at Large, will avoid WW3.


God save us all!

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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Zelensky Says 'War' Coming To Russia After Moscow Drone Attack
By AFP - Agence France Presse
July 30, 2023


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned on Sunday that "war" was coming to Russia after three Ukrainian drones were downed over Moscow.

"Gradually, the war is returning to the territory of Russia -- to its symbolic centres and military bases, and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process," Zelensky said on a visit to the western city of Ivano-Frankivsk.




Zelenskyy is the latest in a historic line of political leaders, hell bent to escalate European territorial disputes, by attacking the Russian people, on Russian soil.


He is supported by the colonial West who call for "Regime Change" in Russia.

This to be accomplished variously by crippling the Russian economy, by force of Western military arms and technology,  by International Law (War Crimes Trials), and y by direct incitement to the Russian population to revolt against their current Leader, Putin. "For God's sake, this man can not remain in power!" - Biden, Leader of the Free World.


Zelenskyy fanboys should hope that he'll fare better in his dreams of Russian conquest, than did Napoleon and Hitler, before him.


And that the World at Large, will avoid WW3.


God save us all!

Indeed. Unfortunately some people won't be happy until Ukraine is flattened and the world is at war again. Huraaaah 🙄


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China and Russia for whatever reasons, are giving more to Africa than the West ever did.

All we did was take....  From slaves to resources as we colonised  and treated the indigenous population like animals as we tried to ram Christianity down their throat's and smother their culture..

Western leaders are becoming more and more unwelcomed there, whilst the Russians and Chinese are welcomed with open arms,

Africa is a vast continent with resources and land which could house the entire human population in comfort if need be......The West is no longer invited.

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