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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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34 minutes ago, Padders said:

China and Russia for whatever reasons, are giving more to Africa than the West ever did.

All we did was take....  From slaves to resources as we colonised  and treated the indigenous population like animals as we tried to ram Christianity down their throat's and smother their culture..

Western leaders are becoming more and more unwelcomed there, whilst the Russians and Chinese are welcomed with open arms,

Africa is a vast continent with resources and land which could house the entire human population in comfort if need be......The West is no longer invited.

In spite of the Western do-gooders who brought "regime change" to a rich and powerful Nuclear ally like South Africa, and left it an economic and social basket case.


They have now joined Russia in War Games games supporting his Ukraine War, and threatening the West!

Mar 29, 2023  It will probably get worse: South Africa's economy shrank 1.3% in fourth quarter compared with the third and the outlook implies more of the ...
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1 hour ago, Padders said:

China and Russia for whatever reasons, are giving more to Africa than the West ever did.

If you think that 'aid' is given out of the good of their own heart then I've got some magic beans to sell you.


It's very much a quid pro quo arrangement.

Edited by geared
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

He is supported by the colonial West who call for "Regime Change" in Russia.

This to be accomplished variously by crippling the Russian economy, by force of Western military arms and technology,  by International Law (War Crimes Trials), and y by direct incitement to the Russian population to revolt against their current Leader, Putin. "For God's sake, this man can not remain in power!" - Biden, Leader of the Free World.

The only thing colonial about the war in Ukraine is Russia's determination to refuse to accept Ukraine's right to self determination - which is why Russia invaded in the first place.


Empires have no right to continue to exist. When they, inevitably, fall, they have even less right to be resurrected again. Some people have trouble accepting that their country's empire is no more - just look at the attitudes of some in this country post brexit (the proposals ridiculed as Empire 2.0, arguing Ireland should also leave to solve the GB/NI/RoI border issues, etc.). Russia, and Putin in particular, needs accept that the Russian empire is over. If it wants to influence its neighbours, it needs to do so economically and culturally, not militarily.

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33 minutes ago, trastrick said:

In spite of the Western do-gooders who brought "regime change" to a rich and powerful Nuclear ally like South Africa, and left it an economic and social basket case.

South Africa dismantled its nuclear weapons during the apartheid regime (so before your "regime change") at a time when Republicans held the US presidency.

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4 minutes ago, geared said:

They tried economic influence, they did it quite often within the old Soviet Union.


The problem was the whip cracked both ways, and it was turned around on them when market conditions suited.

Russia had a chance after the break up of the Soviet Union to form a sort of Soviet Commonwealth similar to the British Commonwealth after the disintegration of the British Empire. Instead, many of the former Soviet states took one look at the kleptocratic basket case Russia was becoming and turned their faces west. This was only accelerated by Russia involving itself militarily in Georgia and then Ukraine (Donbas, etc).

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