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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Isn't that true of most countries, including ours?

600 people to get things past is not a small group.

Where at Putin has always liked flexing his muscles and has the backing of secret police and assassins to shut up any political dissenters

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Carrot and stick diplomacy.


Kept the world at peace for a while. No invasions, no new wars.




In abrupt switch, Trump cancels Putin meeting, cites Ukraine ...

https://www.reuters.com › article › us-g20-summit-trum...

Nov 29, 2018 — ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday abruptly canceled a planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir ...




"In the Trump administration’s telling, its missile strike on a Syrian airfield and its dropping of the so-called mother of all bombs over Afghanistan were more than military missions.


They were a signal of American resolve, and of President Trump’s willingness to use force, that would deter adversaries worldwide.


“The world witnessed the strength and resolve of our new president in actions taken in Syria and Afghanistan,” Vice President Mike Pence said in a speech in South Korea, adding, “North Korea would do well not to test his resolve.”


Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to the president, went further, saying the American attack on a Syrian air base served as a warning to leaders in Russia, Iran and North Korea: “With just one strike, that message was sent to all those capitals, all those people.”



Obama/Biden gave Putin a piece of the Ukraine,

Gave U.S. Approval for their European gas pipeline.

"Biden has repeatedly said he wants a stable and predictable relationship with Russia. On Monday, he called Putin "tough" and "bright" and said he's a "worthy adversary." -NPR

Described Ukraine invasion threat as "minor incursions"

Biden said before the invasion, "Let me be clear".....we have no intention of fighting Russia"


All carrot, and no stick!


So welcome to the rest of Ukraine, Mr. Putin!


Now, after horse has left the stable, he says he will stop the Russian gas Pipeline.

But are the Euros going to give their needed fossil fuel supplies up so easily? They opposed Ukraine's NATO bid.



Diplomacy and Trump were mutually exclusive.


Trump imagined that he could somehow talk people around to do his bidding.

Trump failed to persuade the Americans.

Trump failed to intimidate the Mexicans.

Trump could not understand the Israelis who had him by the...

Trump undermined his allies and NATO.

Trump was used by the Taliban and Pakistan.

Trump was an infant in his dealings with China.

Trump was at his embarrassing best in the Kim Jong-un fiasco.

The only person who sees Trump as a useful tool is Putin.


It is time to put away adoring posts and  far-right quotes and support democracies-however flawed 


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Just now, Anna B said:

Isn't that true of most countries, including ours?

Yes Anna, I think its a world-wide problem. Power is focused in the hands of too few, and it’s incredibly dangerous.


No way would the common people of any nationality want war, or risk a third world war.

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14 minutes ago, melthebell said:

600 people to get things past is not a small group.

Where at Putin has always liked flexing his muscles and has the backing of secret police and assassins to shut up any political dissenters

Some regimes are definitely more dictatorial than others, in that one person is essentially pulling the strings (and opposing voices are silenced).


We seem more democratised, but far from perfect still; for example, the decision to invade Iraq … I don’t think that was the will of the British people, it was just one person pushing for it (at the behest of our masters in the US no doubt).

Edited by Waldo
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15 minutes ago, crookesey said:

This is not politics, it’s a massive ego trip, this is a time for jaw-jaw-jaw not war-war-war, let’s hope that this Botox bandolier can be tilted off of his pedestal before it’s too late.

Putin, like Hitler before him, is not interested in jaw jaw, or he is, but only insofar as it gets him what he wants, or camouflages what he wants to do.

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8 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Some regimes are definitely more dictatorial than others, in that one person is essentially pulling the strings (and opposing voices are silenced).


We seem more democratised, but far from perfect still; for example, the decision to invade Iraq … I don’t think that was the will of the British people, it was just one person pushing for it (at the behest of our masters in the US no doubt).

Well no human beings perfect, were all fallible. As for Iraq, it was Blair at the behest of the US but they still had to get the votes through parliament

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Putin, like Hitler before him, is not interested in jaw jaw, or he is, but only insofar as it gets him what he wants, or camouflages what he wants to do.

I’m anti the death penalty as a punishment, but would welcome a sniper’s bullet between his eyes, if JFK could be assassinated surely this guy must be vulnerable.

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

I agree , The spread of weapons is immoral

Biden is asking Ukrainians to do his fighting for him, and basically using them as cannon fodder, against a nuclear power with superior military might.


When he won't send his own troops to fight his own enemy, Putin.


The Ukraine's best interest is to make a deal with the Russians, It's not like they are strangers, :)


Not sacrifice themselves to help Biden's flagging popularity polls.


Major blunder, more more than that, sick, dangerous, and cowardly.


The needless death count should be laid at his door!


Yes. he should be removed.


Before the whole of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia blows up!


Possible War Criminal charges here.





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Just now, trastrick said:

Biden is asking Ukrainians to do his fighting for him, and basically using them as cannon fodder, against a nuclear power with superior military might.


When he won't send his own troops to fight his own enemy, Putin.


The Ukraine's best interest is to make a deal with the Russians, It's not like they are strangers, :)


Not sacrifice themselves to help Biden's flagging popularity polls.


Major blunder, more more than that, sick, dangerous, and cowardly.


The needless death count should be laid at his door!


Yes. he should be removed.


Before the whole of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia blows up!


Possible War Criminal charges here.





Oh give over with yer propaganda

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