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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Biden is asking Ukrainians to do his fighting for him, and basically using them as cannon fodder, against a nuclear power with superior military might.

When he won't send his own troops to fight his own enemy, Putin.

The Ukraine's best interest is to make a deal with the Russians, It's not like they are strangers, :)

Not sacrifice themselves to help Biden's flagging popularity polls.

Major blunder, more more than that, sick, dangerous, and cowardly.

The needless death count should be laid at his door!

Yes. he should be removed.

Before the whole of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia blows up!

Possible War Criminal charges here.

Has Biden said he'd send Ukraine any weapons ? And if not why not ?

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13 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Well no human beings perfect, were all fallible. As for Iraq, it was Blair at the behest of the US but they still had to get the votes through parliament

That’s what I mean, we have a system that empowers the likes of Blair (with the backing of parliament) to go against the will of the vast majority of the common people.


We are definitely in a better place than more authoritarian states, no doubt about that, but we still have a system where the people in power are (imho) acting for their own best interests, rather than what’s best for us all.

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10 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Oh give over with yer propaganda

I've been saying for a long time, with Joe's poor numbers, they have to do something to shuffle the deck. What will they do about Joe?


What's the only thing that will unite the U.S.A. in supporting their president?


The threat of War!


You just don't understand "propaganda".


Ever hear of Wag the Dog?


It's all politics.


Edited by trastrick
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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I've been saying for a long time, with Joe's poor numbers, they have to do something to shuffle the deck. What will they do about Joe?

Today, according to RCP, Biden is more buoyant than Trump was at the same time in his presidency:


Biden -11.1

Trump -12.0


What did Trump do to shuffle the deck?


6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You just don't understand "propaganda".

Given your posts.... laughable! :loopy: :hihi:



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Would it be too much to ask, to keep the pro-/anti- Trump/Biden stuff out of this thread?

Trump isn’t in the WH, might get there again in 2 years’ time, might not. 

So quite aside from Trump’s admiration (‘genius’ quote) for Putin’s gamble in Ukraine, he’s hardly relevant.


Now, about whether Biden is doing a good job of POTUS’ing in respect of Ukraine and NATO, absolutely fair game.


With apologies, as I don’t mean to backseat mod here. But frankly “Trump/Biden” is just tedious.


And turning back to NATO/US…looking at flightradar, there’s an awful lot of ELINT flying hardware with ‘USAF’ painted on it, burning holes in the skies along the entire western border of Ukraine, and adjacent NATO members. Including a ‘nuclear’ B52H (and another non-nuclear)…and these are the visible ones (with transponders on).

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All they had to do was promise Ukraine wouldn't be invited to join NATO. Why anyone would to join I don't know. The organisation (after the cold war) has been a disaster. Only a few countries pay the 2%. One of the funniest things Trump ever said was when EU member states who weren't paying the 2% complained about Trumps request. He said something like, not just in future but you all have to pay the arrears as well. It was about $500b.


They're still not paying and the US would be better out. They're basically an unpaid security guard for Europe.

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Shock, horror, according to the Wall Street Journal the biggest country doner  to the Clinton Foundation was...

Da dar - Ukraine.




Random Tax Payer - (finish the wall) on Twitter: "@julie_kelly2 Why did Hillary get so much - what did she do in return? Putin says Ukraine is a money laundering operation. https://t.co/gKkbQtpMJW" / Twitter

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18 minutes ago, L00b said:

And turning back to NATO/US…looking at flightradar, there’s an awful lot of ELINT flying hardware with ‘USAF’ painted on it, burning holes in the skies along the entire western border of Ukraine, and adjacent NATO members. Including a ‘nuclear’ B52H (and another non-nuclear)…and these are the visible ones (with transponders on).

Smart move from NATO.

Gather as much intelligence on Russian weapon system's heat and acoustic signatures, radar cross sections and tactical attack profiles...

We might need all that info one day, if they turn their attention to NATO.

I can't see that happening though...a fight with one country with less capability YES...a fight with 30 with better capabilities backed by nuclear warheads - NO


The thing that is worrying is that Putin doesn't seem to care anymore...I think he is really ill or something and acting recklessly.

Heartening to see that there are some protests in Russia about this though...


Could there be a Russian Spring coming?

Like the Arab Spring?

Edited by crazyhorse
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49 minutes ago, Waldo said:

That’s what I mean, we have a system that empowers the likes of Blair (with the backing of parliament) to go against the will of the vast majority of the common people.

As there was no referendum or vote by the people on the matter its wrong to say it was against the will of the vast majority of people.


49 minutes ago, Waldo said:

We are definitely in a better place than more authoritarian states, no doubt about that, but we still have a system where the people in power are (imho) acting for their own best interests, rather than what’s best for us all.

In our democracy we elect our MPs and give them the right to act on our behalf and that is what they do. Just because some may not like that makes no difference.

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