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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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3 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:


Putin says he is saving ordinary Ukrainians from their Facist government.

He is the Facist...


Some Ukraine armed forces (if not them all) fought for Germany in the second world war. Some sections worked at concentration camps. Russians took heavy casualties fighting the Ukraine army at the time. I can't remember what I read but I think it was 2 million dead.

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2 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Well then with that attitude it's war. I don't know how many times it has to be said that a country wouldn't allow it's biggest enemy to move missiles with 5 minutes of their capital. No country would allow it, it's virtually surrendering.

Remember all the talk of the four minute warning in the 1980s. That's how long it takes ballistic missiles to get from Russia to the UK. Are you claiming we've virtually surrendered to Russia?

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2 minutes ago, altus said:

What would have stopped Putin developing the opinion that Ukraine shouldn't exists as country separate from Russia? He wants to rebuild the Russian Empire, not just the Soviet Union.


I don't think he'll try to take Ukraine. He just wants the Russian speaking areas who want to be Russians. If NATO and the EU continue to push the boundaries then that might change. Don't forget the EU and no doubt the CIA caused the coup that overthrew the elected government and installed a government who wanted to join NATO and the EU. Funny that.


CIA colour revolution no doubt (again)

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3 minutes ago, altus said:

Remember all the talk of the four minute warning in the 1980s. That's how long it takes ballistic missiles to get from Russia to the UK. Are you claiming we've virtually surrendered to Russia?


Wasn't that the USSR and basing the missiles in Eastern Europe? They wouldn't be allowed to border us. No nation would stand for that.

2 minutes ago, cressida said:

If all the ex-USSR states joined Nato Putin would be apprehensive of the USA having bases in each of those countries.  much too close,  that may have been him looking ahead and then nipping it in the bud don't you think?


That's common sense Cressi, very much lacking in the world these days. It depends where the countries are in relation to Russia. The Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe, bigger than France (don't quote me) it's a buffer zone between the two sides.

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2 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Some Ukraine armed forces (if not them all) fought for Germany in the second world war. Some sections worked at concentration camps. Russians took heavy casualties fighting the Ukraine army at the time. I can't remember what I read but I think it was 2 million dead.

I am well aware that some Ukrainians fought for the Nazis, so there's no need to patronise me.

I also know that many Ukrainians fought with the Soviets against the Nazis.

Life is like that...things are not black or white...they are complicated.

People have different personal reasons for joining a particular group.

Civil wars are like that.


I also know there is a Ukrainian nationalist battalion currently in the Ukrainian army called the Azoz brigade or something like that, who model themselves on the Waffen SS.

But there must be many, many Ukrainians who are not.


You need to look beyond what you are told at the Stop The War demo or in the Socialist Review and make up your own mind.

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1 minute ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Wasn't that the USSR and basing the missiles in Eastern Europe? They wouldn't be allowed to border us. No nation would stand for that.

No, it was for ballistic missiles launched from Russia. You said "I don't know how many times it has to be said that a country wouldn't allow it's biggest enemy to move missiles with 5 minutes of their capital. No country would allow it, it's virtually surrendering." That's already 5 minutes from our capital. Across a border doesn't matter when thousands of miles is your 5 minutes away.

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44 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


That means you agree but can't admit it because it would offend your new buddies on the forum.



nope, it means what youre insinuating, in football terms would be Ronaldo joining Sheffield Wednesday purely for the fact Sheffield Wednesday had never come out and said he's not joining us. pure nonsense.


How many african countries has Nato not come out and said they arent joining, are they joining too?

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1 minute ago, crazyhorse said:

You need to look beyond what you are told at the Stop The War demo or in the Socialist Review and make up your own mind.


You obviously don't know me.

1 minute ago, melthebell said:

nope, it means what youre insinuating, in football terms would be Ronaldo joining Sheffield Wednesday purely for the fact Sheffield Wednesday had never come out and said he's not joining us. pure nonsense.


How many african countries has Nato not come out and said they arent joining, are they joining too?


Go back to bed Mel or to the I'm bored thread.

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4 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


The Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe, bigger than France (don't quote me) it's a buffer zone between the two sides.

It is nobodies "buffer zone".

It is an independent country that wants to make it's own decisions.


Are you still playing the "Great Game"?

These are not your nations to carve up for your "sphere of influence"...nor are they ours.


We are supposed to be living in a Post-Colonial world these days...did you not get the memo?

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