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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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8 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:



The real test is whether ordinary Russians speak out or protest against the war on their streets.


They wont, Putins already done the groundwork, spouting all the ye olde patriotic and victimhood spiel, so the "comrades" will all be behind him in protecting themselves from the big danger of the west

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14 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:

Looks like the Russians have now captured the remaining reactors at Chernobyl.

Hope they keep the cooling water flowing.

Perhaps they have brought the instruction manual with them...they did design the pile of crap.

Why would they want that ? I thought  the whole area was a no go zone 

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15 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:

I fear you are right.

Not to mention the risks associated with protesting and being critical of the Putin regime. Prison? Or being killed by Putin’s assassination squad…


I suspect the lack of large scale protests, may be more to do with fear, than brain washing and conditioning etc. What do you think?

Edited by Waldo
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34 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:


What Russia really does not want in Ukraine is not so much NATO perhaps...but more it does not want a successful, liberal, relatively free nation on it's doorstep.

This would obviously start Russians wondering why they couldn't have the same...and why THEIR government keeps them down.

And that would be a direct threat to his rule.

Spot on - that's what caused the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in the 90's.


For example the East Germans looked at their western neighbours - they saw them driving Mercs, Audis, BMW's, VW's - in the east you were lucky to get a Trabant. The workers in the West were holidaying on the Med, in the Canaries, not a Communist Party run camp on the Baltic if you were lucky. And the westerners didn't have the Stasi looking over their shoulders.

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6 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I agree , The spread of weapons is immoral

When we were at the point of being invaded in 1940, the US were sending us weapons and material, without which we might not have stopped the invasion. Also, we were sending arms to the Soviet Union for a similar purpose.

Edited by carosio
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