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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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41 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Ask your selves why the more severe sanctions have not been imposed on the Russian Gangster money launderers in our and other Countries , Is it because there are many hands in the pie .

Got it in one.

There are too many MP's and government ministers who have been cuddling up to the oligarchs and their Chinese counterparts for years.

Add this to our successive governments years of cuts to our defence forces and we don't even know where the money has gone.

Certainly not in railways, roads, hospitals, libraries etc. Certainly not in good cheap housing.

We are going to pay the price for our inept politicians who make Putin look like a mastermind.

Are we going to do anything about the Chinese too, who will back another Hitler/Tojo rather than us?

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16 hours ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Good luck with that. UK men and women shouldn't be sacrificed in the Ukraine unless they want to. I'm sure the Ukraine will take anyone willing to fight for them. If it came down to hand to hand combat our army is weakened by women on the front line and they'll all be killed pretty quickly. The Russians are extremely able.

I'm not sure we should be sending men to fight, but we should certainly be sending weapons, and PDQ.


1 hour ago, Kidorry said:

I beg to differ there because, when was there a fair election in Russia. If you did oppose the mob you got eliminated.

I can remember going to Tenerife about 5 years ago (you know, when we were actually allowed to travel with out a load of ballcox) and we met a Russian family on the beach. They very friendly and everything and they actually lived in Belgium, so one would have thought they'd be more internationalist and less nationalistic, plus they would have had easy access to "Western" media. Yet I was amazed, and very worried, to hear they were Putin fans..... They seemed surprised when I told them I did not like him at all.

Edited by Chekhov
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31 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Yet I was amazed, and very worried, to hear they were Putin fans..... They seemed surprised when I told them I did not like him at all.

Would be interesting to know how representative their views are, how many % of Russians share them etc.


I guess 5 years ago, perhaps Putin was considered as someone who revitalised and made Russia strong and prosperous? People are going to overlook a leader’s authoritarian nature if they think they’re better off with him in place.


Also, PDQ?

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2 hours ago, Kidorry said:

I beg to differ there because, when was there a fair election in Russia. If you did oppose the mob you got eliminated.

And now Ukrainians, who never even got to vote in rigged or fair Russian elections, and who are opposing the invasion of their country are getting eliminated.


Why should Russians get a pass on their collective responsibility?

Germans didn’t in 1945.

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39 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Would be interesting to know how representative their views are, how many % of Russians share them etc.


I guess 5 years ago, perhaps Putin was considered as someone who revitalised and made Russia strong and prosperous? People are going to overlook a leader’s authoritarian nature if they think they’re better off with him in place.


Also, PDQ?

Plenty of brave ones on the streets protesting this invasion and being interviewed on the streets

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While Putin is busy bullying the Ukrain and having the majority of his fighting force surrounding  the borders,  all the allied countries should attack Russia NOW!  Element of suprise, Target being, take out the Kremlin, the power sauce, knock Putin bandy,  there you go, problem solved. :roll:

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22 minutes ago, L00b said:

And now Ukrainians, who never even got to vote in rigged or fair Russian elections, and who are opposing the invasion of their country are getting eliminated.


Why should Russians get a pass on their collective responsibility?

Germans didn’t in 1945.

I’m struggling with the concept of ‘collective responsibility’.


It implies, even those who are opposed (often at great cost to themselves) to Putin and to the invasion of Ukraine, should be punished for Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

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