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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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35 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

While Putin is busy bullying the Ukrain and having the majority of his fighting force surrounding  the borders,  all the allied countries should attack Russia NOW!  Element of suprise, Target being, take out the Kremlin, the power sauce, knock Putin bandy,  there you go, problem solved. :roll:

It’s so frustrating watching Ukraine fighting the Russian army alone.  All we can do for now is supply them with weapons and sanctions when what they desperately need is countries to send their armies, but Putin has given a warning, if other countries join the fight he will use the red button.  If other countries did attack Russia I hope they dismantle their nuclear weapons first. 


Edited by hauxwell
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20 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Either ‘problem solved’, or, escalation to WW3.

Just a case of wishful thinking on my part, but remember Putin has the majority of his armourment in one place or seems like. I think the only way to stop him  would inevertbly start WW3.

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29 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Just a case of wishful thinking on my part, but remember Putin has the majority of his armourment in one place or seems like. I think the only way to stop him  would inevertbly start WW3.

I can totally understand your frustration at the situation Presley. I’m frustrated too.


My instinct was let’s give more arms to Ukraine so they can better defend themselves, and hit Russian military targets, slowing them down, prolonging the conflict (so, more time for sanctions to bite and civil unrest and resistance grow within Russia). You always have to be mindful and consider the possible consequences of any action though. I do think Putin is irrational, and if pushed, we don’t know how he will respond.


At the same time, let’s go full on with sanctions, and do everything we possibly can to target Putin and his support network. Let’s make things as corrosive and painful for him as we can. It’s going to hurt us too, but it seems (at leat to my mind) far better to nip this thing in the bud as soon as we possibly can.


Part of the strategy should be driving a wedge between him and the general Russian population. We need to continually reinforce the notion that the Putin regime is not ‘Russia’. Putin (and other dictators around the world) try to do the exact opposite of course, they conflate their regime with the country itself, such that an attack on one, is an attack on the other.

Edited by Waldo
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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Ask your selves why the more severe sanctions have not been imposed on the Russian Gangster money launderers in our and other Countries , Is it because there are many hands in the pie .

Spot on.

London is awash with Russian money.

2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Got it in one.

There are too many MP's and government ministers who have been cuddling up to the oligarchs and their Chinese counterparts for years.

Add this to our successive governments years of cuts to our defence forces and we don't even know where the money has gone.

Certainly not in railways, roads, hospitals, libraries etc. Certainly not in good cheap housing.

We are going to pay the price for our inept politicians who make Putin look like a mastermind.

Are we going to do anything about the Chinese too, who will back another Hitler/Tojo rather than us?

Also correct. There is a lot more going on in the background than we are being told.

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35 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Just a case of wishful thinking on my part, but remember Putin has the majority of his armourment in one place or seems like. I think the only way to stop him  would inevertbly start WW3.

It's a done deal!


Ukraine has been brought back into the Russian fold.


No point in prolonging the killing.


Like when Putin invaded Crimea, and the West sent them blankets! It disappeared from the news quickly, and the MSM went on with more click worthy stuff, like Greta's climate change, Afghanistan, and that old stand by Trump Investigations.  :)


In a couple of months the hype will have died down, and we'll be back to U.S. Elections, World Cup, and more Climate Change and Trump News.


The corporate news media are in the business of selling insurance, phones, hamburgers, cars and over the counter miracle cures  :)


And today's generations have the attention span of a gnat!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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44 minutes ago, Waldo said:

I can totally understand your frustration at the situation Presley. I’m frustrated too.


My instinct was let’s give more arms to Ukraine so they can better defend themselves, and hit Russian military targets, slowing them down, prolonging the conflict (so, more time for sanctions to bite and civil unrest and resistance grow within Russia). You always have to be mindful and consider the possible consequences of any action though. I do think Putin is irrational, and if pushed, we don’t know how he will respond.


At the same time, let’s go full on with sanctions, and do everything we possibly can to target Putin and his support network. Let’s make things as corrosive and painful for him as we can. It’s going to hurt us too, but it seems (at leat to my mind) far better to nip this thing in the bud as soon as we possibly can.


Part of the strategy should be driving a wedge between him and the general Russian population. We need to continually reinforce the notion that the Putin regime is not ‘Russia’. Putin (and other dictators around the world) try to do the exact opposite of course, they conflate their regime with the country itself, such that an attack on one, is an attack on the other.

Sensibley put fella

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

And now Ukrainians, who never even got to vote in rigged or fair Russian elections, and who are opposing the invasion of their country are getting eliminated.


Why should Russians get a pass on their collective responsibility?

Germans didn’t in 1945.

Like Waldo I can seem to work out what you mean by collective responsibility.


3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Ask your selves why the more severe sanctions have not been imposed on the Russian Gangster money launderers in our and other Countries , Is it because there are many hands in the pie .


Because those sort of sanctions will do very little to help with this conflict or harm Russia and would be just a token gesture.



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