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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

And that is exactly the sort of attitude that gets us into wars. Nothing is ever black or white, it's usually many shades of grey.  Which is why sitting round a table to try and sort it out is always better than wars. 


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This is why conservatives get so angry at the people who abuse our asylum system.....we now have millions of Ukrainian people who need our help and it can only be limited because we already have up to 100,000 people sat in expensive hotels who shouldnt even be here


Not only that but we have enough of our own problems to deal with the a cost of living that will bankrupt millions of people


If Covid had lasted a year instead of 2 years we'd be in half as much debt as we are now


If you supported and even demanded longer lockdowns (you know who you are) then you played a huge part in the mess we are in now 



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9 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

No it isn't there is evidence out there. But you love Trump so doesn't matter what proof people show you you'll never accept he's done wrong.  Trump says jump, you say how high.


Nope. Fake news. I wouldn't ever take a position without looking at all the evidence first. I agree with Jeremy Corbyn on the perils of ramping up the Ukraine issue but I believe Trump on some things like election fraud. Current events may be tied to that.

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20 hours ago, crazyhorse said:

Saw a few myself in Cyprus a couple of years ago.

Strutting men with leather jackets and severe haircuts and tarty women blinged up.

All the stereotypes are true.


Another reason why Cyprus is reluctant to impose sanctions.

Their dirty money is everywhere.

I agree. The Russian people should be our allies in this.

Which ones?




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17 hours ago, Dromedary said:

I like this bit further down the article...


"It had originally been set to leave on February 17 but its departure was delayed by Storm Eunice with further delays due to the warship needing minor repairs."



And the van broke down!



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17 hours ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Our media is encouraging civilians to arm themselves and fight. That's a bad idea, they'll all die. There's some video of a Russian tank running over a car coming in the opposite direction. If civilians are going to be armed the Russians will see them as legitimate targets, they'll ask questions later.

Well said, Bricky.


The coddled West don't give a tinkers damn for the victims in some far away country. Just cannon fodder.


It's a death sentence!


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14 hours ago, melthebell said:

personally i despise you, you show no sympathy for innocent people going through horrifying circumstances, and all you can do is pump out your conspiracy theory alternative reality propaganda. No thought for the suffering real people are going through for no fault of their own.

You really think arming and inciting Ukrainians to confront the Russian Military invasion force. from your comfortable armchair in front of the telly. is somehow humanitarian?



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