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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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1 hour ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Nope. Fake news. I wouldn't ever take a position without looking at all the evidence first. I agree with Jeremy Corbyn on the perils of ramping up the Ukraine issue but I believe Trump on some things like election fraud. Current events may be tied to that.

The whole Biden Ukraine link is fake news. But Trumps a sore looser. You love Trump and hate Biden so any evidence that shows Trumps a crook you'll just ignore. But if there is anything about Biden you'll lap it up even if it's rubbish/fake.

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13 hours ago, SheffieldBricky said:

As I've been saying all along, Ukraine, abandoned by the West, will make the best deal with Putin they can, and stop the senseless killing. Putin wins this round.


The result will be like the Trump "Russian Collusion" crisis,  and the COVID crisis, the Afghanistan crisis, off the front pages, to be replaced by  the next politically and MSM incited "crisis". In 6 months Joe, and his handlers and their dupes will be taking credit for their excellent response to prevent WW3  :)


And the alarming death toll predicted, will be much lower.


To the consternation of the armchair warriors who encouraged the citizens to fight to the death, the Russian Military might.  :)



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44 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

What do you suggest they do.....just bend over and just let the Russians invade their country?


What would you do if the Russians invaded the UK?

I would do what Ukraine should do.

It's pretty obvious that Ukraine will be taken over at great loss of life,

Discretion is the better part of valour.

Roll over, let them come.....Then adopt guerilla war tactics...

A strategically placed bomb in the right place will kill more Russians than facing them head on.

Thats exactly what the Taliban did in Afaghistan, the Americans were glad to get out.

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12 hours ago, sibon said:



Are you embarrassed by this "discussion" of one of the most significant events of the century?


It's pretty poor fare, to be honest. Anyone visiting here for the first time isn't going to be back, are they? 

A lame attempt to shut down a very  popular exchange of opinions on a World Crisis.


Usually from the losers in a discussion, and ignoring which side of the debate is hurling the profanities that would curl the hair of any rational person.


So be specific, and name the poster (s) who you think are violating forum rules, and let the mods do their job.


If you want to be a mod, say so, or start your own  :)

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12 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

And what about all the dirty money Trump got from the Russians?

The New York Times says the Biden family and the Clinton family got a total of $billions in salary, fees. investment portfolios, and "donations", from Ukraine, China and Russia.


Got a cite for Trump's bribe money?

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Hello everyone - Rob here from the SF admin team.

This is clearly an uncertain, highly emotional, and deeply sad time for Ukraine, the Russian people and the world. In addition to this, geo-political conflicts such as this are inherently incredibly complex.


There are some interesting discussions in-between clusters of arguments, however when arguments boil over to personal abuse this is not and cannot be tolerated on the forum.

May I just remind everyone that to catch the attention of moderators please report posts, rather than requesting moderation in the discussion itself.


We are currently in process of actioning reports raised by members of the community.

Thank you.


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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The New York Times says the Biden family and the Clinton family got a total of $billions in salary, fees. investment portfolios, and "donations", from Ukraine, China and Russia.


Got a cite for Trump's bribe money?


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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The New York Times says the Biden family and the Clinton family got a total of $billions in salary, fees. investment portfolios, and "donations", from Ukraine, China and Russia.


Got a cite for Trump's bribe money?

What's the point Bricky wouldn't read them.

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12 hours ago, Litotes said:

If you do not denounce Putin (spelling) then you support him - it is black and white in this case.

What a weird binary world some folks live in!  :)


Like Biden, if you don't vote for him, you ain't black!



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