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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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3 hours ago, ab6262 said:

totally agree its just sabre rattling to scare the west, it seems he succeeded.

Sabre rattling, but by whom?


Biden's repeated warnings, of this "imminent invasion", complete with the "Grim Toll if Putin Pursues Full Invasion of Ukraineha full invasion, including the potential deaths of 25,000 to 50,000 ..." while quietly Putin plays war games could be just more Biden fear mongering.


Even Ukraine's President Zelensky says 


"Ukraine crisis: "Don't create panic", Zelensky tells West 



"Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on the West not to create panic amid the build-up of Russian troops on his country's borders.


"He told reporters that warnings of an imminent invasion were putting Ukraine's economy at risk.


"Russia, however, denies it is planning to invade and on Friday its foreign minister said Moscow did not want war. While Russia has about 100,000 troops on Ukraine's borders, Mr Zelensky said he did not see a greater threat now than during a similar massing of troops last spring.


"There are signals even from respected leaders of states, they just say that tomorrow there will be war. This is panic - how much does it cost for our state?" he told the press conference in Kyiv.


So what is really going on here?


A chance for Biden's "stern warnings to Putin" to deter Putin from a full military invasion that was never going to happen?, so that old joe could be seen as strong and decisive?


With his poll numbers tanking, and the Mid Term elections coming up, they have to do something. They are desperate. Would they resort to such panic mongering propaganda?


Well, a political party that panicked the world about a flu variant, blamed Trump for the death toll, then basically ignored it when it more than doubled under Biden (943,000 today), and engaged in a 5 year "Russian Collusion" conspiracy hoax, and 2 failed Impeachment attempts, should not be trusted.


They are desperate!



Edited by trastrick
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19 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

If Politicians had to go and fight,  there would be either no wars or very few, infact,  I'll go with no wars. The bunch of you know what. :roll:

I totally agree - politicians - of whatever persuasion, are grade-one cowards, except when it come to putting others life at risk, whilst ensuring they have a nice big safe bunker to hide in.

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No chance of the West being at war for a long time, if ever!


With the current state of Western governments' leadership.


Nobody, but nobody in their right mind would ever volunteer to risk life and limb for these corrupt politicians.


"Hell no, I won't go!  You wanna start WW3 over THAT?"


Wars will go on in the rest of the World, and the West will just be absorbed by sheer numbers of the really dedicated idealogues.


So just relax and enjoy your telly!


Don't worry, be happy!

Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, cgksheff said:

I will not be surprised if the DomBas doesn't come under a greater level of Russian control.

I would also think it wise for us to confirm that Ukraine will not be admitted to NATO, although that would never prevent us supporting them in the event of aggression.

Most of the Donbas region is under their control. Ukraine tensions: After eight years of war, an eastern city unifies against Russia - BBC News

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

No chance of the West being at war for a long time, if ever!


With the current state of Western governments' leadership.


Nobody, but nobody in their right mind would ever volunteer to risk life and limb for these corrupt politicians.


"Hell no, I won't go!  You wanna start WW3 over THAT?"


Wars will go on in the rest of the World, and the West will just be absorbed by sheer numbers of the really dedicated idealogues.


So just relax and enjoy your telly!


Don't worry, be happy!

Yes that's the feeling I get too.

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