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Broadband Firms Urged To Support Low-Income Homes.

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1 hour ago, BigAl1 said:

I would have said that £144 or more than £10 per month was not a tiny amount to many on Universal credit . I have no idea about verification but it is utter madness to brush this off saying it might cost more in phonecalls/postage and so what if it is not inclusive of the working poor you have to start somewhere and universal credit receipt is as good a place as any


I am guessing you are not on Universal credit and struggling to pay your bills and provide treats for you family

A fair point. £10 a month is a lot to someone on the breadline.


I am not on Universal Credit, but I do help people who are. And it's grim.

Just getting through to anyone on the phone is a task and a half. Getting through to the right person, is almost impossible and being dicked about from department to department is common. Extinct numbers also abound.


There are a large number of benefits that seem to be almost a state secret, it's so hard to get the right information (which changes all the time) Even the people at the other end of the phone aren't knowledgable about them. Which is probably why only half the people entitled to them get them.

It seems to be a process of grinding you down into the dirt until you give up.


It wouldn't be so bad, but a number of the people I try to help have serious mental health issues, and if they didn't have them to start with, they will have by the time they finish.



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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

A fair point. £10 a month is a lot to someone on the breadline.


I am not on Universal Credit, but I do help people who are. And it's grim.

Just getting through to anyone on the phone is a task and a half. Getting through to the right person, is almost impossible and being dicked about from department to department is common. Extinct numbers also abound.


There are a large number of benefits that seem to be almost a state secret, it's so hard to get the right information (which changes all the time) Even the people at the other end of the phone aren't knowledgable about them. Which is probably why only half the people entitled to them get them.

It seems to be a process of grinding you down into the dirt until you give up.


It wouldn't be so bad, but a number of the people I try to help have serious mental health issues, and if they didn't have them to start with, they will have by the time they finish.



Yes there are exceptions like people who are on PIP or DLA....they should get support


But there are a lot of people who can work and choose not to


Why should i have to pay for their broadband?





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8 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Yes there are exceptions like people who are on PIP or DLA....they should get support


But there are a lot of people who can work and choose not to


Why should i have to pay for their broadband?


Hmmm... :huh:

That's a good point!

As a bit of encouragement to find a job...


... instead of subsidising these people, maybe the cost of their broadband should be increased? ;)

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19 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

That's a good point!

As a bit of encouragement to find a job...


... instead of subsidising these people, maybe the cost of their broadband should be increased? ;)

Im just very wary of going back to the days when people could claim benefits that added up to the same amount as working 40 hours a week on minimum wage


Employers cant just ship in cheap labour from the EU anymore so there are no excuses for people not to get work 


Especially those who keep pumping out kids they cant afford


We have to change the mentality and giving them discounted broadband isnt going to help that is it

Edited by Jack Grey
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On this forum, and probably other forums too, we see  working class people criticising other working class people.  


I don't know the status of the beraters, but it happens so often that many of the critics must also be working class people too.


All you are doing is making a rod for your own backs. The consequenches of your thoughts and words eventually come around and bite you-be it when you fall ill or when the gov squeezes  your income etc. 


You are doing the dividing & conquering  for the elite When will you learn? 


Edited by Janus
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1 minute ago, Janus said:

On this forum, and probably other forums too, we see  working class people criticising other working class people.  


I don't know the status of the beraters, but it happens so often that many of the critics must also be working class people too.


All you are doing is making a rod for your own backs. The consequenches of your thoughts and words eventually come around and bight you-be it when you fall ill or when the gov squeezes  your income etc. 


You are doing the dividing & conquering  for the elite When will you learn? 


Youre assuming that everyone on benefits is some kind of victim of circumstance


When in reality there are just a lot of people who are getting benefits who shouldnt be.


How many are self employed, taxi drivers, Uber drivers, drug dealers, people who are just lazy


You only need to drive around places like Page Hall in the summer and you see a lot of people just stood around doing nothing


Are they all incapable of working?

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26 minutes ago, Janus said:

On this forum, and probably other forums too, we see  working class people criticising other working class people.  


I don't know the status of the beraters, but it happens so often that many of the critics must also be working class people too.


All you are doing is making a rod for your own backs. The consequenches of your thoughts and words eventually come around and bite you-be it when you fall ill or when the gov squeezes  your income etc. 


You are doing the dividing & conquering  for the elite When will you learn? 


Hmmm... :huh:

So working class people should not criticise other working class people?


But it's OK to criticise those who we see as privileged or elite?


Right - got it!


But if we all agree that the lowest common denominator is acceptable, then there's really no point in anyone trying to better themselves, and we all become guilty of helping to lower overall standards and increase the mess more and more people are finding themselves in.


It's a complete nonsense... :roll:

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Youre assuming that everyone on benefits is some kind of victim of circumstance


When in reality there are just a lot of people who are getting benefits who shouldnt be.


How many are self employed, taxi drivers, Uber drivers, drug dealers, people who are just lazy


You only need to drive around places like Page Hall in the summer and you see a lot of people just stood around doing nothing


Are they all incapable of working?

If you look at the figures there are far more people who could be claiming benefits but aren't, than there are claiming benefits but shouldn't. The latter catagory is actually very small. The numbers are exagerated in people's minds by all the bad publicity which is out of all proportion to the actual number. 

It's actually hard work being on benefits, not to mention soul destroying. I don't know anyone on benefits who wouldn't rather have a job, and try very hard to get one. 


Unfortunately the jobs on offer are often in the 'gig economy', contract work, 0 hours etc. so no job security whatsoever. Maybe 15 hours one week, 5 hours the next and 0 the next. How can people budget and get themselves back on top like that? Some of the contracts are exclusive, they want you available 24/7 so not available for any other work, though they feel under no obligation to supply the worker with any hours at all.   And these jobs are often not much better than scams. There is always an argument about how many hours have been worked, then there are the 'deductions' for 'safety equipment' etc. It's a whole new world for anybody who has never experienced it. And when the contract is up it's another 2 month wait on top to receive benefits again.  


It's creeping up the social scale too. I know quite a few very unhappy 'middle class' unemployed, who are horrified to learn that after many years of solid working, they are not entitled to any benefits at all because they have put money asside for their old age and have savings.

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who will finish up paying for it? think i pay enough in income tax without having another cost added.by the way ive been retired twenty years and still paying taxes ,dosent go down well with me at all. trouble is these days the people on u.c think there entitled to it what about working for a living like me and a lot more old uns that had to work. if you didnt work you got nowt

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