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First Gold Medal! women's curling

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6 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

Worth watching!


I'm sure there is already a winter Olympics thread, but couldn't see one. (just merge it in if there is one)


Well done!! Such a weird sport, but as a snooker player, I can somehow see it! haha







Watched it and well worth stopping up for - well done girls 🥇.

More similar to Snooker than crown green bowling, tactic and positioning  wise IMO.




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11 hours ago, Waldo said:

Personally decided not to watch it, on account of my dislike of the Chinese Nazi Party.



I'm lost 🐘. Very interesting piece of filming, but -

Superimposing pictures of German concentration camps and Hitler being driven in a car does what?

Communism is Communism and nothing to do with Nazism.

Ok there always were similarities between the two, but what is being done in China is their interpretation of Communism, simple as.

Doesn't make it right, but calling it Nazism by someone with an obvious axe to grind only fog's the subject of China's behind the scenes wrongdoings further. Tell it as it is now ✔️ add 1930's Germany into the equation of modern day Communism as an example :huh: .


Keep safe out there 8)  and,

back on subject, had to laugh at the 15 year old Russian skater.

Embroiled in controversy, gonna not receive a medal ceremony even if she gets a place on the rostrum, makes a total hash of her time on the ice, then the reasoning - was  -  much too much of a strain for someone so young, Hogwash! obviously told to throw the routine :suspect: .




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27 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

Communism is Communism and nothing to do with Nazism.

I suppose I'm more judging a thing on what it does, rather than what it calls itself or ideals it claims to embody.


It's a decietful nefarious authoritarian regime, that demands obedience and absolutely does not tolerate any kind of criticism or dissent, in fact, it brutally punishes that kind of thing. Therein I'm seeing the similarity.


Not meaning to detract from the achievement of any of the competitors (of any nation), it's just the ****'s in charge I take issue with.

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1 hour ago, Waldo said:

I suppose I'm more judging a thing on what it does, rather than what it calls itself or ideals it claims to embody.


It's a decietful nefarious authoritarian regime, that demands obedience and absolutely does not tolerate any kind of criticism or dissent, in fact, it brutally punishes that kind of thing. Therein I'm seeing the similarity.


Not meaning to detract from the achievement of any of the competitors (of any nation), it's just the ****'s in charge I take issue with.

I totally agree with you.

The similarities are obvious, I just didn't / don't understand filmmakers reasonings to throw footage of  WW2 concentration camp victims into something that is a  present day problem. 


Keep safe 8) .

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10 hours ago, Waldo said:

I suppose I'm more judging a thing on what it does, rather than what it calls itself or ideals it claims to embody.


It's a decietful nefarious authoritarian regime, that demands obedience and absolutely does not tolerate any kind of criticism or dissent, in fact, it brutally punishes that kind of thing. Therein I'm seeing the similarity.


Not meaning to detract from the achievement of any of the competitors (of any nation), it's just the ****'s in charge I take issue with.

I don't know why you commented, as nothing to do with my OP. 


You sound like someone who reads western news, and judges purely on that. Do you know they guy you quoted in youtube? Do you know his story? 


See if you can say, without looking up more. You might know him, I don't know. He's well known to people who study China/Chinese.





Edited by *_ash_*
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