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Don't Say Mum And Dad

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8 hours ago, cgksheff said:

A rant from Mark about something that he got wrong.

Was funny to watch Dick Madeley being told that he had, similarly, got it wrong, this morning.

As usual folk froth at headlines, rather than the substance.

No schools are telling children what to say on this subject.

Teachers are being advised on how to address certain groups of children.

Indeed, it can be viewed here, if anybody missed it.



what the lady says does actually make a lot of sense if you actually watch, listen, and understand it, and the fact she says its been bastardised by the right wing media, which also makes lots of sense.

2 hours ago, trastrick said:

But back on topic, I'm senior citizen, an old man.


Do I really have to refer to my parents as the "grown ups"/



only if youre still in school

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Indeed, it can be viewed here, if anybody missed it.



what the lady says does actually make a lot of sense if you actually watch, listen, and understand it, and the fact she says its been bastardised by the right wing media, which also makes lots of sense.

only if youre still in school

They want to dissuade children from believing that a traditional family that has a Mom and Dad, is  normal or even desirable, to cater to the 31 categories of confused gender folks who self identify as something other than male or female.


It is they who have bastardized the terms , "normal", "marriage", "father", "mother" and "family".


They are not happy with the term consenting "civil unions" they need to have all of society including the church, Lol, elevate and celebrate their varied gender confused relationships., or whatever is a convenient set up for them at the time.


Get on with it, but don't expect everybody to cheer and celebrate every time a new parent joins the "family".





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22 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They want to dissuade children from believing that a traditional family that has a Mom and Dad, is  normal or even desirable, to cater to the 31 categories of confused gender folks who self identify as something other than male or female.


It is they who have bastardized the terms , "normal", "marriage", "father", "mother" and "family".


They are not happy with the term consenting "civil unions" they need to have all of society including the church, Lol, elevate and celebrate their varied gender confused relationships., or whatever is a convenient set up for them at the time.


Get on with it, but don't expect everybody to cheer and celebrate every time a new parent joins the "family".





no, there no longer is traditional, or "normal" thats the point, societys moved on

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35 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They want to dissuade children from believing that a traditional family that has a Mom and Dad, is  normal or even desirable, to cater to the 31 categories of confused gender folks who self identify as something other than male or female.


It is they who have bastardized the terms , "normal", "marriage", "father", "mother" and "family".


They are not happy with the term consenting "civil unions" they need to have all of society including the church, Lol, elevate and celebrate their varied gender confused relationships., or whatever is a convenient set up for them at the time.


Get on with it, but don't expect everybody to cheer and celebrate every time a new parent joins the "family".





Who are "they"?

... a group?

... a gender neutral individual?


If the latter, it is very forward of you to have adapted to the new pronouns!

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13 hours ago, melthebell said:

no, there no longer is traditional, or "normal" thats the point, societys moved on

As my dear old mom used to say, "Let them get on with it!"


Live and let live. Don't be telling others what to believe, or how to live, or what to teach our children. For some of us, "common sense" is NOT "meaningless", and "traditional" and "normal" are valid, and useful terms.  :)


Some folks find it necessary for the whole of society to "validate" every personal choice they make! Lifestyle, political and sexual.


In real life, that doesn't happen. That's why you have a cultural and political divide!


Political correctness is a Western construct, rooted in socialism. It seeks equality on the one hand, but puts people in stereotypical categories, victims and oppressors, on the other.


Where I live, everybody is accepted, regardless of skin color, sexual preference, to smoke tobacco or not, and there is no cultural divide. It's a generally happy society.


And yes, Virginia la cordura or "common sense" allows them to stay that way.


"We are all god's chillun"!


Love, not hate, will save the World.





Edited by trastrick
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