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Gender Neutral Toilets

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I do so love how those three simple words that are the title of this thread create such venom and fire in a debate.  As for Julia hartley-brewer, no surprise she is stirring the pot with her attention-seeking views.


Good grief people, take a look around.  We already have gender neutral toilets in buildings up and down the land in fact we have had them for years and the world has not imploded.


Do you know what they are called? A toilet.


A completely enclosed room with a lockable door with a toilet, sometimes wash basin and hand drying facility. That's it.


In many new builds now architects are doing away with this ridiculous segregation and simply building rows of completely self-contained toilets which are absolutely identical and can be used continuously throughout the day by man woman or beast without problem.


Way eay back before gender-neutral was even a buzzword...,, small businesses, offices, coffee shops, garages, cafes, public transport, surgeries even hospital wards would have toilets completely unmarked for use by anyone.


Can we all just grow up.  A transgender is not to be childishly dismissed as a bloke in a frock.   Not every man who happens to use the same toilet as a woman before him is some rapist just waiting to pounce.  Gender neutral toilets is not seriously suggesting some freely open trough with everyone just sitting there with their bits out -  it is ridiculous.


Nobody is forcing anything on anyone. It is just finally dragging some parts of this world into the 21st century.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Where I live, sometimes they only have one lock up for all Out back.


Bigger bars have Damas and Caballeros, but everybody uses whichever is free at the moment, with no problem.


It's not an issue!


It's just another over hyped "problem" in your nanny state woke society.  Something else for somebody to get enraged about!

Edited by trastrick
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13 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Where I live, sometimes they only have one lock up for all Out back.


Bigger bars have Damas and Caballeros, but everybody uses whichever is free at the moment, with no problem.


It's not an issue!


It's just another over hyped "problem" in your nanny state woke society.  Something else for somebody to get enraged about!

I do not want to be  stood in the South stand at Hillsbro's 200 foot long bogs standing at a stainless steel trough having to make sure i do not pee on a big lass with them daft black leggings around her ankles facing the other way and getting a full  view  of  big Judd in action .

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9 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I do not want to be  stood in the South stand at Hillsbro's 200 foot long bogs standing at a stainless steel trough having to make sure i do not pee on a big lass with them daft black leggings around her ankles facing the other way and getting a full  view  of  big Judd in action .

You would have liked it years ago.

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45 minutes ago, West 77 said:

It matters if you have old fashioned values and respect the female members of our society the right to have their own private public toilets and washroom areas.  It's not just about going to the actual toilet.  Females use the washroom area to touch up their makeup and brush their hair and deserve to do so out of the sight of blokes.







I see plenty of females touching up their makeup on beauty counters in department stores surrounded by men, I see plenty touching up their lipstick while sat on the bus or train surrounded by men, plenty of females getting their nails done or feet manicured surrounded by men, plenty of females getting their hair done surrounded by men.....


...Strange enough,  they are not screaming for privacy or recoiling in horror.


Everyone wants privacy when they go to the toilet and it is toilets we are talking about. If your entire argument it's based on females requiring private spaces to act as some ad hoc beauty studio its pretty week.


We are no longer in a world of Victorian prudishness.  Oh, and just to really scramble those outdated 'values'....     in this progressive, modern, changed society, plenty of men wear make-up and brush their hair too.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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52 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I do not want to be  stood in the South stand at Hillsbro's 200 foot long bogs standing at a stainless steel trough having to make sure i do not pee on a big lass with them daft black leggings around her ankles facing the other way and getting a full  view  of  big Judd in action .

Do women normally have the cubicle doors open when expelling urine and/or faeces?

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47 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I do not want to be  stood in the South stand at Hillsbro's 200 foot long bogs standing at a stainless steel trough having to make sure i do not pee on a big lass with them daft black leggings around her ankles facing the other way and getting a full  view  of  big Judd in action .

I wasn't talking about Wembley, Lol


But here,  a marginal street front restaurant (and they make up the vast majority of restaurants here),  which is very convenient to its customers for morning coffee, would have to close. if, as in some overregulated society, the poor old lady that runs it,  had to build another toilet (maybe with wheelchair access)


The locals wouldn't allow it.


They're funny like that about their freedoms.  :)



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17 hours ago, West 77 said:

Gender neutral toilets shouldn't replace male and female toilets.  Transvestite blokes should use a gender neutral toilet rather than a female toilet.  I understand in Philadelphia all new public buildings are required by law to have gender neutral toilets. Gender neutral public toilets in addition to male and female toilets is the way forward in the mad World we now live in.

A 50% increase would be great news for Armitage Shanks. 

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