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Things I Did As A Kid That Would Be Frowned On Now.

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9 minutes ago, max said:

Try as I might I cannot see the point of this inane question.

I was simply pointing out that all the dangerous activities people are so ardently advocating would have been frowned upon by our parents' generation too. There was nothing harder about the way we were brought up, what we did was just as unconscionable then as it is now. 

I bet you’re fun at parties 

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On 07/03/2022 at 00:31, hackey lad said:

Just remembered, we used to get stick 2 or 3 foot long and ball a clump of muck / clay and poke it on the stick. With a deft flick of of the stick we could throw these mud bombs miles 😃 . What did we call these ?

Did you attend "Padders" training sessions, to make sure that you used the right end of the stick?

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This thread has reminded me of a newspaper article a few years ago about the same topic where readers would write in to confess their childhood sins. The best by far was a guy from the Channel Islands, Jersey I think. He admitted that him and his mates used to dig up wartime German mine fields. Upon finding a mine they would then throw it off the cliffs to watch it explode. Bloody Hell I thought but after 10 seconds of consideration I realised that my dumb arse 10 year old self would probably have done the same. Btw, the launching sticks mentioned here were known as s—t wangers by us as the missile was often a handy dog turd. You never held the wrong end of the stick with those 😂

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42 minutes ago, Jim117 said:

This thread has reminded me of a newspaper article a few years ago about the same topic where readers would write in to confess their childhood sins. The best by far was a guy from the Channel Islands, Jersey I think. He admitted that him and his mates used to dig up wartime German mine fields. Upon finding a mine they would then throw it off the cliffs to watch it explode. Bloody Hell I thought but after 10 seconds of consideration I realised that my dumb arse 10 year old self would probably have done the same. Btw, the launching sticks mentioned here were known as s—t wangers by us as the missile was often a handy dog turd. You never held the wrong end of the stick with those 😂

That reminded me of the stories from some of the kids I grew up with who said that they collected dog **** by scooping it in newspaper, placing it on someone's doorstep, setting it alight, knocking on the door, and running behind a hedge to watch the homeowner stamp out the fire.

I hasten to add I never did that as a kid!

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2 hours ago, Mister M said:

That reminded me of the stories from some of the kids I grew up with who said that they collected dog **** by scooping it in newspaper, placing it on someone's doorstep, setting it alight, knocking on the door, and running behind a hedge to watch the homeowner stamp out the fire.

I hasten to add I never did that as a kid!

M why have you changed your avatar to that?

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8 hours ago, Jim117 said:

This thread has reminded me of a newspaper article a few years ago about the same topic where readers would write in to confess their childhood sins. The best by far was a guy from the Channel Islands, Jersey I think. He admitted that him and his mates used to dig up wartime German mine fields. Upon finding a mine they would then throw it off the cliffs to watch it explode. Bloody Hell I thought but after 10 seconds of consideration I realised that my dumb arse 10 year old self would probably have done the same.  😂

One of the Father in laws story's  was, when he was younger him and his mate found an unexploded incendiary bomb and 'took it'  😲 to an air raid warden (not sure how old he was- mid teens perhaps? coz he was 'down pit' during't war'.

Happily, it was only the Air raid Warden that 'Blew his top' 🥵


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