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Should Employees Be Randomly Drug Tested Who Deal With The Public ! .

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15 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Anyone with nothing to hide shouldn't have a problem.

We can all have pleaded guilty to having taken the car to the pub and driven home at one time (in fact, wasn't it compulsory :blush:


I used to drink in the Three Cranes on Queen Street, many years ago, there were more police customers than us civilians. 




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16 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I used to drink in the Three Cranes on Queen Street, many years ago, there were more police customers than us civilians. 

  Reveal spoiler



Morning Crookesey.

Royal Lancers was the same, I think they invented all day drinking.

Handy place for police bobby's before and after their shifts at West Bar.

Sunday - big bowl of Yorkshires, big bowl of Gravy on't bar free gratis'

Happy Daze 8) .

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15 minutes ago, geared said:

I do miss the boozy Friday afternoon lunch, followed by falling asleep in the afternoon meeting.


Good times.

2 till 10 shift 1/2 the workforce would still be outside the pub 10 to 2.

Happy daze.

Night shift 1/2 the workforce were over the fence and at the back door of the local pub for afterbird :blush: .

Happy Daze 🙃 .

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3 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Morning Crookesey.

Royal Lancers was the same, I think they invented all day drinking.

Handy place for police bobby's before and after their shifts at West Bar.

Sunday - big bowl of Yorkshires, big bowl of Gravy on't bar free gratis'

Happy Daze 8) .

And you never got any trouble due to the likes of Mick Cowan, Dennis Hobson, Mick Crich and Ronnie Crookes, who used to address me as ‘Our Kid’ (not related though), being present in the more interesting boozers

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On 02/03/2022 at 12:55, Meltman said:

First thing, your relative needs to be sure that the person was taking 'drugs' and not treating him/herself with medicines eg injecting insulin etc 

Second, if your relative is absolutely sure then did they report/ask to speak to the manager about it and if a satisfactory response was not forthcoming change supermarkets. 

The person in question was snorting cocaine and was reported by several customers.....



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On 02/03/2022 at 13:50, ECCOnoob said:

Agree. You got there a head of me, as I had some suspicions regarding this original post. All seems a little bit far-fetched to me.


How exactly did the poster's friend know the worker was taking drugs. Were they openly snorting coke on the checkout counter or injecting heroin behind the bread rolls?   Why exactly did they not report it at the time if they were so disturbed by it?    If so, what was the outcome?   


Add on the OP's slightly odd comments regarding staff members 'asserting their authority'   'creating problems and arguments'  'power mad'  and declaring how public are often 'in the right'...... seems a little bit chip on their shoulder to me.  

“Chip on the shoulder”....


Come on “ECCOnoob”...


Society on a whole is being destroyed by drugs and to have members of staff clearly taking drugs and to be seen doing so is disgusting !!!!...


If by stated that makes me have a chip on my shoulder then I will gladly carry it in fact I’ll carry it on both !!!...



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On 02/03/2022 at 03:14, Annie Bynnol said:

Everybody who works should follow the rules in their contract/job description. Drugs including alcohol have long been tested for and regarded as a cause for dismissal  offence in many workplaces.

Employees and contractors have a responsibility to customers, the public, co workers and the people who employ them.


I would never knowingly allow anybody to work in my house if I believed they were under the influence of drugs. If I did then I could be open to situations where their or my insurance could be invalid and the possibility of litigation.

Since I cannot test, I would expect the employer/contractor to assure me that their staff are monitored appropriately.

If self employed then I would expect them not to be under the influence so that they get their job done properly, efficiently and safely.

Similarly in a place with public access I would expect my safety and the service provided not to be compromised by drugs and alcohol.

As a union rep for many years I regarded drug use as indefensible, although I would make sure that procedures were followed and that a 'second chance' might be appropriate. I would encourage people on certain medications to inform their line  manager of their possible effect and would expect management to respond positively.


The days of widespread boozy lunchtimes has gone and there is no place for drugs in the workplace.




Well said....

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On 02/03/2022 at 09:57, Rockers rule said:

Hello Annie, did some of that Union rep stuff myself years ago.

That boozy lunch time  (sneaking out on't night shift) went, only to be replaced by the (recreational :suspect:) drug culture we see today.

The sense of achievement defending someone, is, as you well know, satisfying.

And, totally agree. There is no place in the workplace for being under the influence of anything. Unfortunately the quite word in someones ear, has been replaced with the 'once management know of the problem', they have to offer all sorts of counselling etc under the 'Duty of Care' 'Hogwash' - those with self induced problem only too quickly use as a get out clause.


We went to work, were enthralled by guy's who had fought in WW2 and listened to their story's.

My Lad goes to work and has to listen to some young pup with glassy eyes (and slow on the up take) telling him he's "been doing drugs since he was 13" and its never affected him 🥴.


I liken those on drugs, to those who tell you they've never read a book.

(Cos you'd never had guessed if they hadn't told yer 🤣)


Keep safe out there 8) .







Society is being destroyed by people who think it is acceptable to take drugs it’s stupid there’s even people that will defend their bad behaviour the worlds gone tits up I too would rather listen to someone story how he made it through WW2 rather than someone who thinks he’s cleaver being on drugs since he was 13 !!!...





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2 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Society is being destroyed by people who think it is acceptable to take drugs it’s stupid there’s even people that will defend their bad behaviour the worlds gone tits up I too would rather listen to someone story how he made it through WW2 rather than someone who thinks he’s cleaver being on drugs since he was 13 !!!...





Not just the work place.

Have a walk around a car boot and some pillock will be walking around with a spliff on't go.

I've seen coke taking openly at one of the garages I worked at. The guy was such a nuisance and a liability I refused to take him with me on collections. What did management do? bugger all - gave him leave to sort himself out.

Like I said 'Duty of Care' Hogwash'.


Keep safe out there 8).

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