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Opinions - Only Allowed If They're The Right Ones?

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3 hours ago, DavidFrance said:

Opinions carry with them the burden of responsibility.  It is very easy to form an opinion. It is less easy to form a balanced, reasoned argument. Opinions become arguments (a) when they are expressed and (b) when they are met with an alternative opinion.  Responsible participation in any debate requires a degree of understanding of the other points of view AND a full understanding the effect of expressing one's viewpoint will elicit.   Knowing  when to not express an opinion is one of the roots of wisdom. We do seem to have reached a point in society, no doubt encouraged by the anonymity of social media and forums such as this, where people express an opinion without any regard to the feelings and the effects upon others. Sadly, this seems to be accompanied by a withdrawal of willingness to either apologise or to review one's own thoughts on a topic after hearing opposing views. But that's just my opinion. 

Very good post !

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4 hours ago, DavidFrance said:

Opinions carry with them the burden of responsibility.  It is very easy to form an opinion. It is less easy to form a balanced, reasoned argument. Opinions become arguments (a) when they are expressed and (b) when they are met with an alternative opinion.  Responsible participation in any debate requires a degree of understanding of the other points of view AND a full understanding the effect of expressing one's viewpoint will elicit.   Knowing  when to not express an opinion is one of the roots of wisdom. We do seem to have reached a point in society, no doubt encouraged by the anonymity of social media and forums such as this, where people express an opinion without any regard to the feelings and the effects upon others. Sadly, this seems to be accompanied by a withdrawal of willingness to either apologise or to review one's own thoughts on a topic after hearing opposing views. But that's just my opinion. 

Couple of points for me out of that:


You can't fully know the effect your comments will have on all topics. You can be confident of what mentioning the Holocaust will do, but saying Little Mix are godawful isn't likely to get a hit put out on you. You can't legislate for their being a psychotic LM fan...


That being said - if i were to say LM were awful, and someone said they were their biggest fan and i've upset them... i don't feel i'd have to apologise in all cases. If it were a 10yo, i might do but, if it's a grown adult, they're fair game.


The JKR / trans debate is a difficult one as i don't feel either side is covering themselves in glory, but i don't think either should really apologise for how they're conducting themselves. Both sides are passionate about the respective causes and, whilst my opinion falls in line with one side, i don't feel the other side should spare my feelings.

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