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Serious topic...


I have an elderly relative who has had a hip replacement, and as a result one leg is a little longer than the other. It causes imbalance as she walks around or even stands, and while the hospital have provided a couple of insoles, they don’t really help matters.


We’d like to try adding an extra sole to the bottom of one of her shoes (well,  to one shoe). Would need to be quite thick though, perhaps 1 cm. I’ve seen you can buy stick on soles, so considering trying that, would it be a complex process? I’m thinking just prep surfaces (sand paper) and glue rubber sole on to existing sole, cut to size?


Alternatively, finding a cobbler to do it...


Any suggestions for a good local cobbler who may be able to help, either independent or somewhere like Timpsons?


Any suggestions?



Edited by Waldo
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Yes Timpson's can resole just about any shoes so one they are already comfortable with would be best.

A bit off the subject but a recent LAD Bible video had a clip where one fella had one leg longer than the other so they called him "Snipers Nightmare." 

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51 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Any suggestions for a good local cobbler who may be able to help, either independent or somewhere like Timpsons?


Any suggestions?



Are the guys in Atkinsons still there? They were OK.


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50 minutes ago, Padders said:

No they wasn't.

I once took a pair of shoes there, and they re-sold them by mistake.

Looks like its not only TV's you are having trouble communicating with, human coblers as well new.  Oh dear, we are having a bad time of it aren't we Padders?

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