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Petrol Stations Getting Busier?

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16 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Yeah thieving sods drill into your petrol tank from under the car.

It drains into a container and they are away. I expect this crime to increase quite a bit In the coming months.

As people get more and more desperate for money I expect all sorts of crime will increase.

Very worrying.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

As people get more and more desperate for money I expect all sorts of crime will increase.

Very worrying.

It certainly is. I for one will be updating my cctv camera and taking other security measures just in case.

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35 minutes ago, rogets said:

Do you think we are being presented with a fantastic opportunity with the increase in petrol prices? 


A chance to get rid of our cars and get lorries off the road 

And how do we get stuff to say supermarkets / shops with out lorries ?

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