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Are Some Shops Getting Too Greedy?

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Reading this morning about Home Bargains who have put child-targeted Easter Eve boxes on their shelves, I wonder if other stores will follow their lead.  Stores have already targeted Xmas Eve with boxes to get people to spend more money. Surely shops realise people's finances are being squeezed and a lot are having to watch every penny, they must realise how much their prices are going up in store. I would imagine this box will create upset for some families with kids not understanding why they can't have one of these boxes. 


Parents 'fuming' over Home Bargains Easter Eve box for kids (msn.com)




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Shops will always come up with new ways of trying to get you to part with your money.

You don't have to buy into it, and the sooner kids realise they can't have everything they want when they want it the better. 


As for the Christmas Eve thing, my family always had a tradition of opening a present on Christmas eve, (which was new pyjamas, to get them off to bed,) and a routine of hot chocolate and a Christmas story to settle them down to sleep. It worked fine and we never needed a 'Christmas Eve box' although I could have knocked one up myself out of an old cardboard box if I'd thought of it.

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25 minutes ago, iansheff said:

Reading this morning about Home Bargains who have put child-targeted Easter Eve boxes on their shelves, I wonder if other stores will follow their lead.  Stores have already targeted Xmas Eve with boxes to get people to spend more money. Surely shops realise people's finances are being squeezed and a lot are having to watch every penny, they must realise how much their prices are going up in store. I would imagine this box will create upset for some families with kids not understanding why they can't have one of these boxes. 


Parents 'fuming' over Home Bargains Easter Eve box for kids (msn.com)




By that logic no shop should sell any luxury item. Lets close all the toy shops too.

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Sell an empty box, labelled 'Action Man Deserter'?


Better, though: whyever can't people decide whether to buy and what to buy without others deciding for them?

If something's too expensive, just don't buy it. When everyone holds that view, the price falls.

Supply and demand, you see.

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