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Awkward Situations.

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Hi everyone, Joe Soap here...

Now I've become something of a legend in my family for regularly landing myself in awkward situations..

Take this morning for instance,

Let me explain,

I'm currently wearing a cardigan which my late wife knitted for me about 20 yrs ago... but I love it..

The problem is it's a chuffin mess, it's covered in gravy stains, oil, grease you name it..

So I've made the heartbreaking decision to say my last farewells and "BIN IT"


Last week I made a trip to Meadowhall to replace it, it's a long story (and I don't do long stories)...

I need a cardigan similar to the one I'm wearing, nice and comfy, I just chuck it on fasten the buttons , and go about my business...

I spent hours in Meadowhall looking, could I find one, Nope.

I'm after one that zips or buttons up the front, I don't want one that pulls over your head, cus it messes my hair up... When you have spent an hour arranging the hairs on your head, it's the last thing you want...

The one's at Meadowhall were all baggy with hoods on (I hate hoods) and they pull over your head.. Not for me I'm afraid..



So this morning I set off to do a bit of shopping at Home Bargains (Wadsley Bridge) and I noticed there is a TK-MAXX there, Hmmm I thought, wonder if they have a cardigan there.

So I went in for a browse around, I'm looking on the rails at stuff, and took a step backwards and collided with a Mannequin modeling gents summer wear.

I immediately swung round and said "Sorry mate" then I said "Only I thought you were a real person" then I realized I was still talking to a dummy..

I've enough on my plate talking to the "Dummys" on SF. but this took it to a new level.

I carried on browsing then BINGO! I found what I was looking for, fitted perfectly.... I was just about to take it to the cash point, when I got a tap on the shoulder,  "Excuse me pal, that's my cardigan You've got there"  Chuffin Ek I'd mistakenly picked up his Cardy while he was trying one on.. I made a quick exit...

With hindsight I should have offered to buy it of him...


I've not done yet,

I arrived home empty handed, but what a lovely day, I'll mow the garden.

Got out the extension lead  and plugged it into a socket..

Plenty of sockets in my kitchen, but their all in use, so I unplugged the kettle, and plugged in the extension lead..

Takes me about an hour to mow my back garden, I completed the task and decided to do the front garden, but first, a cup of coffee...

After my cuppa, I took the mower round to the front, It wouldn't work... Now my mower must be about 15 yrs old, and I've been thinking about a new one for some time now.

Anyway I thought could be summat simple, so I took it apart, lubricated the parts, checked the wiring, cleaned it up, no good it was Kaput.

Last chance saloon, it could be a blown fuse in the plug, It wasn't the bloody thing wasn't plugged in, I'd unplugged it to boil the kettle and forgot to plug it back in ???

I've still got the rest of the day to get through, does anyone else have these escapades, or is it just me...



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Fully understand your preference for cardigans over sweaters, Padders, it's an age thing!. They're so much easier to put on.

I've not started talking to dummies yet, although I see plenty spat out, particularly on the soccer section, but in terms of wondering why something electrical doesn't work I think we're both at the same place on the road to dementia because I often plug the item in but don't flick the switch!



Edited by echo beach
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3 minutes ago, echo beach said:

Fully understand your preference for cardigans over sweaters, Padders, it's an age thing!. They're so much easier to put on.

I've not started talking to dummies yet, although I see plenty spat out, particularly on the soccer section, but in terms of wondering why something electrical doesn't work I think we're both at the same place on the road to dementia because I often plug the item in but don't flick the switch!



Cheers Echo,

Nice to know I'm not on mi own......

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4 hours ago, Padders said:

Cheers Echo,

Nice to know I'm not on mi own......

Padders  ...........   You and me would make a right pair.  A few days ago I popped out to the shops only to realise I'd picked up my manicure set instead of my purse.  Doh  !!    😂

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1 minute ago, francypants said:

Padders  ...........   You and me would make a right pair.  A few days ago I popped out to the shops only to realise I'd picked up my manicure set instead of my purse.  Doh  !!    😂

 Not to mention the back to front trousers....:hihi:

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4 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Girls at the Lacarno used to wear cardigans back to front , To this day a can't figure out how they fastened them although I know how they were undone .

The Locarno, spent some happy days in there Cuttsie...

Although I must confess the only thing I ever pulled was Cod n Chips from the chippy next door.

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