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Buses - Are We Jealous Sheffield?

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Not particularly.


For most regular bus users there are multitude of travel passes available for unlimited daily or weekly use where the equivalent single fare will break down much less than that.


Even for casual users, First Bus for example have one day tickets for unlimited day travel at £4.70. Breaking that down, I doubt the even the most expensive one-way ticket in Sheffield or South Yorkshire areas will be much more than £2, even if they are, that's up to peoples choice whether they want to pay the rack rate or go for some sort of other option.


Just seems a load of Burnham showboating to me.  Load of Fanfare for not a lot of results. Look at me... look at me... we are just like London with our capped fares. The man is deluded and seems to think he's Mayor of London or worse a faux Prime Minister making real important decisions.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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20 hours ago, geared said:

So if the fares are capped so low what happens when expenditure exceeds income?


Taxpayer subsidy I assume?

well with the amount of posts demanding that buses where back in public control in lots of posts on SF, the tax payer is the owner and pays for it, cant have it both ways,

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The Manchester system is going to require a hell of a lot of taxpayer subsidy, hopefully that is forthcoming and it all works out good for them. 


Here in Sheffield I would again point out that

- commuting is not expensive, for example a 28 day CityWide pass offering unlimited bus and tram travel in the city costing £69 works out at £2.46 a day (people pay more than that for a cup of coffee!)

- most service cuts have been due to a combination of public funding cutbacks and lack of fare paying passengers

- most reliability issues are due to traffic congestion where the council haven't provided adequate bus priority measures 

- most bus services in Sheffield do not make money and First South Yorkshire bus company has not made a profit in over 10 years.

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9 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

What is happening in GM is not public ownership but public control and diktat.

And we do know what epithet applies to 'power without responsibility'...

Hmmm... :huh:

Is it a 3 letter initialism beginning with 'S' and ending in 'C'? :hihi:


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