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Buses - Are We Jealous Sheffield?

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28 minutes ago, Resident said:

But if you make cars too expensive that it forces people onto buses, are you then going to increase bus driver's wages to a level to which they are able to afford one? After all the first bus in the morning and last at night doesn't drive itself back to the depot


Remember when buses and certain other services were subsidised out of the rates and our taxes to make sure that it was fair for everyone?

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

Remember when buses and certain other services were subsidised out of the rates and our taxes to make sure that it was fair for everyone?

I do. I remember paying 2p a journey as a kid.


And, as I recall it, to pay for it, we had some of the highest levels of rates in the country, which people used to complain about at the time.


Bus ridership was also falling towards the end of that period, despite the low fares.


The world has changed since those days and simply introducing cheap fares won't in my opinion result in a huge shift to bus travel. I've seen surveys done where drivers were asked if they would use public transport if it were free. The majority said not.

9 hours ago, Resident said:

But if you make cars too expensive that it forces people onto buses, are you then going to increase bus driver's wages to a level to which they are able to afford one? 


Afford what? A car?

15 hours ago, dutch said:

Making driving more expensive as a way to force them to take bus instead is more likely gonna make many of them cycle more often than take a bus.

Playing these kind of financial political game is also creating major problems not everyone can do their work on a bus. And it would increase prices for all sort of other things.

The evidence of the last few decades where we've been "encouraging" people to use the bus tells us that approach alone doesn't work. Therefore something different is needed. 


Increasing motoring costs would indeed have a knock on effect on other costs, but it would increase tax income, which could be spent on something people want.


Can you suggest something more likely to work?

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

Remember when buses and certain other services were subsidised out of the rates and our taxes to make sure that it was fair for everyone?

We still have subsidised routes that are still paid for from taxes.

It costs more than tuppence, apny to run a service these days though

29 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

Afford what? A car?

Obviously. If you price the working man out of car ownership then how is a bus driver going to get to work? 

Whilst we're making it so only the rich can afford luxuries, should we rebuild work-houses & debtor's prisons? 

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A reminder how well the public sector (council) is doing with the bits of the bus system they are already responsible for..


"24 Service Chesterfield Rd South / Lowedges Rd bus gate lights have been stuck on red for nearly two weeks.
There is no sign of any work to resolve the fault and therefore services will divert for safety reasons"


This will be adding several minutes to each journey impacting on punctuality.



Edited by Andy C
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3 hours ago, Resident said:

Obviously. If you price the working man out of car ownership then how is a bus driver going to get to work? 

Walk, cycle, cab, demand responsive transport, employer provides transport. There are options.


Do you have any suggestion for a  better way to get people out of their cars?

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3 hours ago, Andy C said:

A reminder how well the public sector (council) is doing with the bits of the bus system they are already responsible for..



So everything has to work perfectly 100% of the time does it?


Is it causing the buses any real problem or delay? Has anyone bothered asking the Council why it's still stuck?

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39 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

Walk, cycle, cab, demand responsive transport, employer provides transport. There are options.


Do you have any suggestion for a  better way to get people out of their cars?

so i drive the last bus alot, i have to drive home, not paying for a cab 5 or more nights a week, to far to walk finishing at 1-130 in morning wont be getting home till 3 in morning. Cycle just not my cup of tea still take a while to get home after a 10-12 hours at work,

They do provide transport to work if there is no bus due to you being the first or last bus but isnt always available due to staff shortages

Personally i haven't got on a bus outside of working on them for years i avoid them like the plague as i know what happens on them the type of people on them which i personally am not happy to be near (sorry if my opinion offends you) in my car i have my own personal space and time which i am happy to pay more for than catching a bus, Not all People before someone has a go,


14 hours ago, Anna B said:

Remember when buses and certain other services were subsidised out of the rates and our taxes to make sure that it was fair for everyone?

yea but its 2022 now, we are not in the 70's anymore move with the times if there good or bad,

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Guest busdriver1
5 hours ago, spilldig said:

It wasn't fair for everyone because council tax is not a progressive tax.

So people in band A pay the same as Band D?

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9 hours ago, Planner1 said:

So everything has to work perfectly 100% of the time does it?


Is it causing the buses any real problem or delay? Has anyone bothered asking the Council why it's still stuck?

According to a friend at First, every week day they've reported and requested a response, with none forthcoming. 

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