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P And O Ferries Laying Off Workers

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4 hours ago, cgksheff said:

Watch all the passengers and hauliers continue using P&O as normal.

But do they have a choice?

First of all a lot of the haulier's companies will be locked into contracts.

And as for passengers, are there many alternative ferry companies working out of Hull? Genuine question, I've used P&O in the past (very organised, regular and simple) and never noticed any other companies doing the same job. 

Edited by Anna B
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11 minutes ago, crookesey said:

We the people demand value for money, I predict that we will  still use P&O if it suits us, irrespective of their current actions. I wager that most of the sacked P&O staff members wouldn’t think twice about doing similar, it’s only human nature at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, you are right but it doesn't say much  for human nature does it.

People are so selfish and uncaring these days.

The crew shuold have scuttled the ship.

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Ironically the RMT called for its members to vote for Brexit.





2.    Leave the EU to end attacks on seafarers and the offshore workers


The EU has promoted undercutting and social dumping leading to the decimation of UK seafarers. The same is now happening in the offshore sector. EU directives also require the tendering our public ferry services.


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3 minutes ago, Mister M said:

So what do you think about the way it sacked workers and paid heavy mob to remove them. Would you have done the same?

I hope not, however if I needed to use P&O in the future I would most likely do so.

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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Unfortunately, you are right but it doesn't say much  for human nature does it.

People are so selfish and uncaring these days.

The crew shuold have scuttled the ship.

Yes, but life is more and more complicated these days, without adding in ethics, protecting people's jobs, and the other multiplicity of problems around these days. Isn't that what the Unions and governments are supposed to do?


Maybe they should have scuttled the ship, but they would no doubt have ended up in prison. The corporation can work the system and be protected, but the workers can't.

Edited by Anna B
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5 hours ago, cgksheff said:

Watch all the passengers and hauliers continue using P&O as normal.

I bet there are a lot of people that will not use them again, yesterday I read about a family who were told by P & O to go to another company's ferry it was all sorted for them, when they got there the other company knew nothing about it and the family had to pay them for the ferry. 

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Look guys, a lot of Mercs, VW’s, Audis, BMW’s and Porsche’s were sold to Jews not that long after the holocaust, so don’t come the  high morality stance. I actually brought this up with a Jewish friend who said that it never occurred to him, he still drives a Merc by the way.


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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

It makes common sense to make workers redundant instantly for obvious reasons.  



How would that have helped their cause?

In the same way as smacking back, someone who smacks you oreu never done that?

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19 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Look guys, a lot of Mercs, VW’s, Audis, BMW’s and Porsche’s were sold to Jews not that long after the holocaust, so don’t come the  high morality stance. I actually brought this up with a Jewish friend who said that it never occurred to him, he still drives a Merc by the way.


So? I had a teacher who said he'd never buy a German car after the experiences his dad had had as a German prisoner of war in WW2. It doesn't take everybody boycotting P&O Ferries to make the business unviable, it only needs enough. Even if there aren't enough for that, every trip made with someone else is an effective loss for P&O.

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23 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Look guys, a lot of Mercs, VW’s, Audis, BMW’s and Porsche’s were sold to Jews not that long after the holocaust, so don’t come the  high morality stance. I actually brought this up with a Jewish friend who said that it never occurred to him, he still drives a Merc by the way.


Why do your posts always return to Jews, no matter what the subject?

And why does what you describe, prevent some of us from having a sense of morality.

As far as I'm concerned, there is right and there is wrong, no matter what nationality and no matter what subject we discuss.

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