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Disappearing Bus Routes

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12 minutes ago, El Cid said:

With the trains now becoming driver-less, getting conductors back is not going to happen.

Its posible that we will have driver-less busses in the future, but there will likely be a need for an assitant or co-driver.

I remember when the bus drivers had to go one manning, they went barmy because they were going to end up doing a two man job for one wage. The Union promised there would be a pay adjustment/comprimise sort of thing, guess what! It never happened. :roll:

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On 18/03/2022 at 20:14, Anna B said:

309 bus routes are being cancelled in April, leaving many people in some communities high and dry with no way of leaving their village. I don't know if it's just stage coach or other companies too, but if you don't have a car you've had it. (I believe Sheffield is trying to take the buses back into public ownership.)


If the government is serious in trying to encourage people to save the planet, surely public transport needs to be increased not removed. It's not just buses but services in general, like banks and post offices, which are being closed and services withdrawn, even simple cash machines in rural communities.


Don't ordinary people count any more? What are they supposed to do? What's happening to this country? 

And restore the old blue and cream livery?? That would be the icing on the cake?

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1 hour ago, Kidorry said:

I believe in France that when they closed the rural bus routes down they subsidised the taxi service, and you just phoned a taxi and I think paid the same as you would for the bus.

That's a good idea. But I doubt it would happen here. 

In France the people seem to be taken notice of far more than here, and respected. That's what happens when you lop off the heads of the Aristocracy instead of worshipping them..

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

That's a good idea. But I doubt it would happen here. 

In France the people seem to be taken notice of far more than here, and respected. That's what happens when you lop off the heads of the Aristocracy instead of worshipping them..

But the Yellow Jackets have got to riot first, us Brits are led by the media too much.

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On 18/03/2022 at 20:14, Anna B said:

309 bus routes are being cancelled in April, leaving many people in some communities high and dry with no way of leaving their village. I don't know if it's just stage coach or other companies too, but if you don't have a car you've had it. (I believe Sheffield is trying to take the buses back into public ownership.)


If the government is serious in trying to encourage people to save the planet, surely public transport needs to be increased not removed. It's not just buses but services in general, like banks and post offices, which are being closed and services withdrawn, even simple cash machines in rural communities.


Don't ordinary people count any more? What are they supposed to do? What's happening to this country? 

Jesus Anna - Do you trawl the net looking for excuses to write anti government posts.

I presume you are referring to this story (since you didnt evidence your claim) https://www.itv.com/news/2022-03-18/which-areas-will-be-most-affected-by-operators-cancelling-bus-services


So as this is a Sheffield based website have a look at Sheffields routes cancelled, you cant because its less than 10 FOR THE WHOLE OF YORKSHIRE


West midlands looks like its getting a battering but its a commercial decision. No communities in our area are been left "high and Dry"

And the last records i can be bothered to find (2014) shows 154504 registered routes in England alone. 305 is not really a large figure (source https://data.gov.uk/dataset/9ea90ed8-de54-4274-92c6-272edd518bfb/traffic-commissioners-local-bus-service-registration/datafile/a1f5247f-c690-4180-ac60-4901f7bb3e6d/preview


Then again, dont let facts stop you 

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On 18/03/2022 at 22:48, Anna B said:

You might not have noticed, but for the ordinary man in the street things are going from bad to worse. 


50 years ago a man's wage could support a family. Today it takes both adults working full time, and they still can't make ends meet. Yet there's no longer much of a safety net so we have homelessness and foodbanks instead. Where's the caring and kindness gone? What  makes it acceptable to sack workers by text or video with no notice at the drop of a hat in the name of 'business?' We are becoming horrible people who care nothing for others, and a third world country thanks to the discrepancy between rich and poor. 


And yes I would love to be able to run away elsewhere, but unfortunately thanks to neoliberalism and globalisation              most countries are in the same boat. The world is dividing into winners and losers - and the winners don't care who they trample on or how corrupt they are as long as they come out at the top.



What's gone wrong?  

Define ordinary man. 

50 years ago a mans wage couldnt support a family, i should know as only my father worked and we hardly had anything. Nowadays i am the main breadwinner in the house who still counts himself as an ordinary man but we are comfortable through hardwork.


Nothing has gone wrong, the world has moved on. You have this rose tinted view that everything was better "back then" . People have always looked out for themselves, bosses have always exploited workers (if anything it is better now as there are more laws to protect workers rights). There was no minimum wage. Business has changed and adapted to the modern world but the motive of any business remains the same - make profit. If not then you will find yourself out of business pretty quickly


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10 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Jesus Anna - Do you trawl the net looking for excuses to write anti government posts.

I presume you are referring to this story (since you didnt evidence your claim) https://www.itv.com/news/2022-03-18/which-areas-will-be-most-affected-by-operators-cancelling-bus-services


So as this is a Sheffield based website have a look at Sheffields routes cancelled, you cant because its less than 10 FOR THE WHOLE OF YORKSHIRE


West midlands looks like its getting a battering but its a commercial decision. No communities in our area are been left "high and Dry"

And the last records i can be bothered to find (2014) shows 154504 registered routes in England alone. 305 is not really a large figure (source https://data.gov.uk/dataset/9ea90ed8-de54-4274-92c6-272edd518bfb/traffic-commissioners-local-bus-service-registration/datafile/a1f5247f-c690-4180-ac60-4901f7bb3e6d/preview


Then again, dont let facts stop you 

Actually it was something I saw on the news.


And it's not about me, it's about the vulnerable people this will affect. The number might be small, but that doesn't make them less vulnerable.


I like to think all people are considered, but not so. It's always the poorest, the disabled, the elderly, the most vulnerable, who seem to cop it again and again. Together they are not an insignificant group. But who is fighting their corner? 


And, just to appeal to the selfish, remember it could be any one of us in a trice...

Edited by Anna B
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24 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Actually it was something I saw on the news.


And it's not about me, it's about the vulnerable people this will affect. The number might be small, but that doesn't make them less vulnerable.


I like to think all people are considered, but not so. It's always the poorest, the disabled, the elderly, the most vulnerable, who seem to cop it again and again. Together they are not an insignificant group. But who is fighting their corner? 


And, just to appeal to the selfish, remember it could be any one of us in a trice...


You didnt know the full facts affecting our area

You didnt know what areas the services removed are affecting (after all the WM ones could be birmingham or Wolverhampton city centre ones)

You didnt know if they are routes that are already covered by other services or operators

You didnt know the social demographic of customers affected


But you still wanted to turn it into a "wont someone think of the vunerable" thread.



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7 minutes ago, sheffbag said:


You didnt know the full facts affecting our area

You didnt know what areas the services removed are affecting (after all the WM ones could be birmingham or Wolverhampton city centre ones)

You didnt know if they are routes that are already covered by other services or operators

You didnt know the social demographic of customers affected


But you still wanted to turn it into a "wont someone think of the vunerable" thread.



This is not about our area. It is about the way society is going.


It is about the most vulnerable not being considered yet again. 

Why not? Are they less important than you? 


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