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Preparing For And Surviving Nuclear War

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I guess it’s something we don’t want to contemplate is a real possibility. Sticking our heads in the sand, wishful thinking, denial of the possibility etc. But what if it does happen? What if the current situation, or a future one, leads to a nuclear war? How prepared are you?


I’m not prepared at all. It’s such an horrific notion, that I think I’m subconsciously choosing not consider the possibility of nuclear war. I’m not sure that’s wise.


Are you prepared for a nuclear war, to survive a nuclear winter? Do you have a bunker, and supplies of food, water, medical, energy, anything else you’d need to survive? Would you even want to survive (given how messed up everything might be)?


Grizzly topic I know, but interested to hear what everyone thinks.

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I dont have a cellar, like when I lived in terraced housing, but I do now have a larger stock of tinned food.

Not sure what would protect us, if an ordinary house was insufficient. I am sure the Doomsday clock is at it closest to midnight for decades.

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32 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

I cannot see the point of surviving because what will there be left? And what is left will be contaminated.

Would you not even try to survive in such a situation? If not, would suicide or a slow lingering death be preferable to survival?


I know the question may sound harsh, don’t mean to offend, really contemplating the same thing myself.

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23 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm not prepared and I don't intend to be. If the bomb drops I hope im one of the 1st to go.

Nice and quick like 👍

If you’re the first one to go, it’s all academic anyway. However, I think you’re maybe dodging the question, what would you do if you did survive, relatively unharmed, and you were thrust in to the chaos of a post nuclear war world?


I think it’s something people just don’t want to consider, but if, god forbid, anyone finds themselves in such a position, what then? Does a person try to survive, sustain themselves, or do they allow themselves a slow death through neglect, or suicide?


I think for most, survival instinct and desire to live would take over.

Edited by Waldo
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We live in the shadow of a massive nuclear power station. “Again” for me, because I grew up around here before emigrating in the 90s.


So, much everybody around here (30-miles radius or so) is always to some extent ‘prepared’ for a nuclear accident, with stocks of iodine tablets in cupboards (freely distributed by local council), non-perishable foodstuffs, bug-out bags, etc.


That’s not in the same league as a nuclear strike, of course. But then I grew up in the Cold War era of the 70s-80s in this same region bordering Germany, always expected to be the next major battleground after the Fulda Gap in case of NATO-v-USSR conflict, wherein -again- much everybody was to some extent ‘prepared’ for that contingency. You would be, what with living in the middle of large-scale NATO exercises several times a year (getting to sit inside MBTs and APCs parked outside school was always a favourite 😁).


So, well, we are prepared-ish here in Luxembourg, to the extent that we can in a small bloc of flats. But the plan would be, to the extent possible, to rally the ancestral family home about 110 miles away, which is “atomic-ready”.

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