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Preparing For And Surviving Nuclear War

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7 minutes ago, Waldo said:

It’s a grim picture you paint, -76 sounds a bit nippy!


How long would the low temperature last? Isn’t it caused by some kind of particles (fallout?) being in the atmosphere blocking sunlight?

No one seems to be very sure but most think that it would be measured in years rather than months.

It is indeed caused by dust, soot and debris particles obscuring the sun and these particles are, unfortunately, radiated. and pollute everything as they fall to earth.

There was a time when I thought that mankind would never use nuclear weapons in an all out way but some men are so fixated on their goals that nothing else matters.

This is especially so when they are vain liars and don't want to lose face before their whole population.

It's also possible that age or illness may mean that someone can reach a stage beyond caring.

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3 minutes ago, cgksheff said:

The average temperatures could drop by up to 30°C.

Thus anything like minus 76 would be experienced in areas that currently get into the minus 40s .... not the UK.


Not that we'd be around to record it!

Then you have a different view to the scientists and defence analysts around the world.

Their nuclear war simulation models the UK at minus 76 degrees and many other places even worse. It shows towards the end of that model what temperatures could be expected.

Either way, I would not want to live in a world where any surviving loved ones would suffer, starve and freeze with almost everything destroyed. 

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I once read reports that suggested that the Russian nuclear threat, during the Cold War, was overstated.

Poor construction, poor communications, poor training and indiscipline meant that many of the missiles would never have left their silos.

The US were aware of this but we're happy to continue the pretence for all kinds of vested interests, not least the arms industries.

(I've done a bit of googling, but can't find anything current that matches my memory)


As we all know, it doesn't take many missiles to do a lot of damage and those silent submarines are a serious worry, but I do still wonder about the reality of the situation.

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They claim that Russia has over 6000 nukes and if only half of them worked, together with those of the USA and all other nuclear nations, the outlook would be very bleak for the very few who survived the initial blasts.

The west needs to take part of the responsibility for this situation because Putin's claims of NATO expansion are correct.

This has brought us a long way from the time when the Berlin wall came down and we had a guarded and a little untrusting friendship.

The politicians of that time failed us badly by not drawing up full legal treaties and agreements at that time. Our promises were only by word of mouth.

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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

They claim that Russia has over 6000 nukes and if only half of them worked, together with those of the USA and all other nuclear nations, the outlook would be very bleak for the very few who survived the initial blasts.

The west needs to take part of the responsibility for this situation because Putin's claims of NATO expansion are correct.

This has brought us a long way from the time when the Berlin wall came down and we had a guarded and a little untrusting friendship.

The politicians of that time failed us badly by not drawing up full legal treaties and agreements at that time. Our promises were only by word of mouth.

One Politician in particular- the one who opposed the unification of Germany. The one who was determined to keep the NATO policy of hegemony and enhance it through military and economic dominance. The one who was determined to embroil the USA in continuing proxy wars throughout the world. The one who undermined a pro-European response and solution to the collapse of the USSR. The one who refused to shore up the position of the moderates in Russia. The one who lived in a suite at the Ritz. 



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