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How Long It Will Be Before Our Society Becomes A Cashless One?

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On a recent visit to a Tesco store noticed that most of the check outs are card only with one for cash. Direct debits been pushed as the preferred way to pay for bills by various companies. Amazon has set up food shops in London that are card only no cash check outs.


Will we see the day that mint stops printing money and people just given cards to pay for items is that time nearer than we think? 

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The more people are quite happy to wave a piece of plastic at a wand and pass their bank details to shops, all the while congratulating themselves at being contactless, cashless and somehow clever, the sooner the rest of us will be forced to follow them and sign up to being cashless.  I am not contactless, probably an age thing, and take a measure of pleasure when the technology fails and see said modern, clever people unable to pay for goods and services, and have to resort to searching for the few remaining ATM's to get the cash they were happy to be rid of.

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A cashless society will happen in the not to distant future in my opinion. The signs are there and I for one don't like the idea. Sure it's convenient when everything is working as it should but to have every transaction you make completely traceable? 

No. Too big brother for me.

Edited by The_DADDY
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5 hours ago, GabrielC said:

On a recent visit to a Tesco store noticed that most of the check outs are card only with one for cash. Direct debits been pushed as the preferred way to pay for bills by various companies. Amazon has set up food shops in London that are card only no cash check outs.


Will we see the day that mint stops printing money and people just given cards to pay for items is that time nearer than we think? 

I think it'll be longer than anyone thinks.

Having to accept card payments costs money, more than many people seem to think.

I try not to pay for anything under £10 by card, quite apart from anything else it clogs your bank statement up with crap so when you actually want to find something (or even just check it) it takes ages. I can only assume many people never check their bank statements ?

And those card terminals don't always work, I was on a train on the GCR and the guy in front of me was trying to pay at the buffet for two drinks (they only came to about £3 ! ) but the terminal had poor reception so it took an absolute age (wasting my time as well.....) before the guy accepted it wasn't going to work and paid by cash. Three Pounds for Gawd's sake, which he had on him in cash anyway !

Edited by Chekhov
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