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Mp Comes Out As Transgender

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26 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Is it really about his/her transgender choice?


As a public official, I would suspect that his/her admitted online affairs with strangers, being blackmailed, raped, and his/her criminally leaving the scene of an accident, has something to do with one's attitude towards this person.

Certain sections of society will attempt to keep it under the radar because his/her/their gender/sex doesn't matter re: policies...


But, you can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as we get the first trans PM, it will be a big deal!


Identity politics play a big part. I saw plenty of women online saying they're voting for Hillary BECAUSE she's a woman; nothing really mentioned about her policies. Biden simply won 'because he isn't Trump'. Many Obama voters will have voted for him simply for being black.


This MP will possibly be seen as a pioneer and will gain votes from the trans community simply for being trans... which is apparently OK.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

I've no idea whether that was a requirement.  Let's be honest if Boris had turned up at PMQ's today wearing a dress and a wig stating he had been blackmailed and decided to come out as a trans person there would be calls from all quarters for him to resign.


The MP in question wouldn't have attracted the attention of a blackmailer if he had been open about his trans activity when he stood for election. I will just add it wasn't too long ago that Ed Miliband decided to get married to a person of the opposite sex after becoming Labour leader because he thought that increased his chances of becoming Prime Minister.  Traditional family values are still important to many of the electorate when they decide who to give their vote to.

No he wouldn't have attracted the attention of a blackmailer had he been open about how he felt, however in the current climate, where people who should know better see fit to say that MTF transgender people are not women, and shouldn't use 'women's spaces', it is understandable why he felt uneasy about coming out.

If 'traditional family values  are still important to many of the electorate', well you're quite happy to cheerlead and support Boris Johnson.

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4 hours ago, Mister M said:

😆 Just hand a mental image of John Prescott in a frock

Reminds me of the old Rugby song.



🎵 If your looking through the nightie of a girl of 17.

and her pinafore starts to slip,

Its not a sin,

But if your looking through the nightie of a Rugby player,

there's either something wrong with You or Him 🎵 . 


🤣 🤣.


Edited by Rockers rule
Spelling Ooop's
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1 hour ago, leviathan13 said:

Why are you pulling a face at the thought of a man in a dress?

Bit transphobic, don't you think?

It was a gentle laugh at the thought of John Prescott in a dress, who if you've seen and heard John Prescott, will know that thought is a little incongruous.

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4 hours ago, Mister M said:

Boris Johnson Joked About Trans People Hours Before Conservative MP Came Out | HuffPost UK Politics (huffingtonpost.co.uk)

I agree with you Mel.

I think it's only fusty old reactionaries that have a problem with transgender people, and being transgender should have no bearing on their ability as an MP.

He / She could well turn out to be such a good MP that we could be wishing that Westminster was full of transgender folk.

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17 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

He / She could well turn out to be such a good MP that we could be wishing that Westminster was full of transgender folk.

Indeed. I think now that he has come out, and goes through the op, he to be she will be a lot happier, therefore more effective at their job

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10 minutes ago, West 77 said:

There are good arguments why trans people who were born male shouldn't use women's spaces.  The main argument is that many real women born female are not happy sharing their women's spaces with trans people who were born male and consider these people to be trespasses.


Regarding Boris in an ideal World I would prefer our Prime Minister to be not divorced and for him to have all his children by the same mother. However,  I supported Boris becoming Prime Minister because he was the only politician who could attract the support from the electorate to be able to get Brexit done.  I will just add that if Boris had and lived by traditional family values he would have won a much bigger majority at the 2019 December general election.

So it's just trans people who were born male shouldn't use female spaces.

I can get why some people, who to be kind, a little slow to change, might feel a bit uneasy about sharing a space with a post op transgender person. Okay, just as much as a trans person needs time to come to terms with what's happening to them, then others in society need that too.

What I find really galling, and specious, is the argument of people like Germaine Greer, Julie Bindel who complain about transsexuals invading 'their' spaces; when 40 / 50 years ago they were exactly the people who complained about 'men only spaces', the unfairness of discrimination, and how women get a raw deal in society (which they did, and still do in many respects); but they are quite happy to 'pull that ladder of opportunity' up behind them. It stinks.

Edited by Mister M
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6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

So it's just trans people who were born male shouldn't use female spaces.

I can get why some people, who to be kind, a little slow to change, might feel a bit uneasy about sharing a space with a post op transgender person. Okay, just as much as a trans person needs time to come to terms with what's happening to them, then others in society need that too.

What I find really galling, and specious, is the argument of people like Germaine Greer, Julie Bindel who complain about transsexuals invading 'their' spaces; when 40 / 50 years ago they were exactly the people who complained about 'men only spaces', the unfairness of discrimination, and how women get a raw deal in society (which they did, and still do in many respects); but they are quite happy to 'pull that ladder of opportunity' up behind them. It stinks.

I attended an LGBTQ+ workshop for my job a while back. One of the mini-sessions was around encouraging trans women to access womens' refuges in times of crisis. Two interesting things came out of it:


If a biological woman had an issue with sharing a space with a trans women they were advised to seek help elsewhere


Trans women could access the refuge, but a trans woman couldn't work there



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