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Mp Comes Out As Transgender

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2 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

I attended an LGBTQ+ workshop for my job a while back. One of the mini-sessions was around encouraging trans women to access womens' refuges in times of crisis. Two interesting things came out of it:


If a biological woman had an issue with sharing a space with a trans women they were advised to seek help elsewhere


Trans women could access the refuge, but a trans woman couldn't work there



There are barely enough women's refuges at the moment for those deemed straight / worthy enough for consideration; exactly where is a transswoman going to go if they have a crisis? 

It's little wonder the suicide rate of trans people is off the scale.

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4 minutes ago, Mister M said:

There are barely enough women's refuges at the moment for those deemed straight / worthy enough for consideration; exactly where is a transswoman going to go if they have a crisis? 

It's little wonder the suicide rate of trans people is off the scale.

Why are they encouraged to access them as a victim, but not work in them?


And maybe there are other factors around their mental health as to why so many commit suicide...

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11 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

Why are they encouraged to access them as a victim, but not work in them?


And maybe there are other factors around their mental health as to why so many commit suicide...

I'm not sure how feasible it is for a women's refuge to turf someone in crisis out on to the street because one of the other service users doesn't like transgender people....I mean I'm assuming it's obviously legal & doesn't breach the Equality Act, however that same person might not like another service user on the basis that she 'looked at her the wrong way'. Are they going to be turfed out as well?

I think that although it's horrible what's happened to this MP - being raped and blackmailed, it might be the start of a change in the debate around trans issues, and that it won't be so polarising and people will become more informed. Though i have to admit, there are many people that just don't want to be informed.

Edited by Mister M
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42 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'm not sure how feasible it is for a women's refuge to turf someone in crisis out on to the street because one of the other service users doesn't like transgender people....I mean I'm assuming it's obviously legal & doesn't breach the Equality Act, however that same person might not like another service user on the basis that she 'looked at her the wrong way'. Are they going to be turfed out as well?

I think that although it's horrible what's happened to this MP - being raped and blackmailed, it might be the start of a change in the debate around trans issues, and that it won't be so polarising and people will become more informed. Though i have to admit, there are many people that just don't want to be informed.

The problem is that people want to debate the issues, but only those with the 'right' opinions are allowed to discuss them. The rest tend to be shouted down as transphobic.


Until both sides are allowed to air an opinion in a civilised and mature manner, the issue will remain divisive and controversial.

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2 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

The problem is that people want to debate the issues, but only those with the 'right' opinions are allowed to discuss them. The rest tend to be shouted down as transphobic.


Until both sides are allowed to air an opinion in a civilised and mature manner, the issue will remain divisive and controversial.

Well said!

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14 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

The problem is that people want to debate the issues, but only those with the 'right' opinions are allowed to discuss them. The rest tend to be shouted down as transphobic.


Until both sides are allowed to air an opinion in a civilised and mature manner, the issue will remain divisive and controversial.

You are allowed to express your views, nobody is stopping you, I think so long as it’s done in a kind and courteous way.


As I see it, it’s a fairly incendiary topic; and there’s a conflict between being factually truthful, vs, not hurting people’s feelings. I’m not sure how you navigate that particular minefield, so maybe people often think it’s best left alone. However, problem with that is that it cedes the territory to the ‘truth doesn’t matter, feelings do’ crowd.

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15 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

The problem is that people want to debate the issues, but only those with the 'right' opinions are allowed to discuss them. The rest tend to be shouted down as transphobic.


Until both sides are allowed to air an opinion in a civilised and mature manner, the issue will remain divisive and controversial.

Shout me down - agree with me - I don't care.

I'm happy in the thought I've never been confused.

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1 hour ago, Waldo said:

You are allowed to express your views, nobody is stopping you, I think so long as it’s done in a kind and courteous way.


As I see it, it’s a fairly incendiary topic; and there’s a conflict between being factually truthful, vs, not hurting people’s feelings. I’m not sure how you navigate that particular minefield, so maybe people often think it’s best left alone. However, problem with that is that it cedes the territory to the ‘truth doesn’t matter, feelings do’ crowd.

No one is physically stopping you as in clamping your mouth shut or chopping off fingers so you can't post online... but people who hold a view opposite to the mainstream suffer for speaking out.


To the point where politicians are scared to define what a woman is for fear of being called phobic.


JK Rowling was shut out of recent Harry Potter related celebrations, and the ungrateful cast of the films spoke out against her, simply for advocating for women only spaces and for saying trans women aren't 'real' women - views held by a large portion of the population.

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Firstly, how do you define mainstream view? Do you mean view held by the majority, or, view held by the most vocal and militant?


Secondly, what do you care more about, being authentic and truthful, or, going along with a majority and not challenging falsehoods, because that’s more convenient and comfortable?


Truth is truth, it doesn’t care about your feelings, it doesn’t care about you full-stop; if you live or die, it doesn’t matter, truth is truth.

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