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Mp Comes Out As Transgender

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16 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Firstly, how do you define mainstream view? Do you mean view held by the majority, or, view held by the most vocal and militant?


Secondly, what do you care more about, being authentic and truthful, or, going along with a majority and not challenging falsehoods, because that’s more convenient and comfortable?


Truth is truth, it doesn’t care about your feelings, it doesn’t care about you full-stop; if you live or die, it doesn’t matter, truth is truth.

By 'mainstream' i mean the media, politics, employers/businesses. Just this morning i saw the clip of Robert Winston on BBCQT where he said that a person cannot change their sex - Fiona Bruce wasn't having it on behalf of those who would oppose his comments and facts.


You say truth is truth, but don't forget we live in a world where people still believe the Earth is flat! To many in the modern day, feelings override truth and to hurt someone's feelings, even with facts, can lose you your job or see men winning womens' sporting events.

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There is a saying from a few years ago, the camera never lies, but these days anyone can edit a photo.


According to experts, around 1.7% of the population is born with intersex traits – comparable to the number of people born with red hair.


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1 hour ago, leviathan13 said:

By 'mainstream' i mean the media, politics, employers/businesses. Just this morning i saw the clip of Robert Winston on BBCQT where he said that a person cannot change their sex - Fiona Bruce wasn't having it on behalf of those who would oppose his comments and facts.


You say truth is truth, but don't forget we live in a world where people still believe the Earth is flat! To many in the modern day, feelings override truth and to hurt someone's feelings, even with facts, can lose you your job or see men winning womens' sporting events.

They believe the earth is flat, but we know it's not flat, they don't believe in the truth, it's their opinion. As Waldo said the truth is the truth, opinions aren't always the truth

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1 hour ago, leviathan13 said:

By 'mainstream' i mean the media, politics, employers/businesses. Just this morning i saw the clip of Robert Winston on BBCQT where he said that a person cannot change their sex - Fiona Bruce wasn't having it on behalf of those who would oppose his comments and facts.


You say truth is truth, but don't forget we live in a world where people still believe the Earth is flat! To many in the modern day, feelings override truth and to hurt someone's feelings, even with facts, can lose you your job or see men winning womens' sporting events.

Fiona Bruce can say black is white, it doesn’t make it so, no matter how popular she is or what platform she has.


I totally appreciate what you’re saying though; and it doesn’t just relate to this particular issue either, there is a developing trend of people being dishonest, with an emphasis of comfort and convenience over truth.


If you’re committed to truth, how do you deal with people who are not? Perhaps you need a great deal of skill, patience, gentleness etc. Without being at all sharp or aggressive, if you can manoeuvre a dishonest person such that they are unavoidable confronted with their dishonesty and deception.


It really is a form of violence, i.e. you need to adhere to our redefined terms and use of language (which now holds that black is white) or else. I think that’s just it though, it’s just about words, and most people have no problem at all with people being authentic to themselves, and loving their lives according to their own natures.

Edited by Waldo
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11 minutes ago, melthebell said:

They believe the earth is flat, but we know it's not flat, they don't believe in the truth, it's their opinion. As Waldo said the truth is the truth, opinions aren't always the truth

That made me think of a quote from The Big Bang Theory when Sheldon is talking to his mum and she says that everyone is entitled to their opinion. He says "But evolution isn't an opinion, it's fact" and she says "And that is your opinion!".


A fact is a fact, the truth is the truth... but if it hurts someone's feelings, there's a good chance you're going to be called -phobic/-ist in an attempt to shut you down. This is apparently why we need safe spaces and i've even seen some young black people calling to bring back segregation.

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On 30/03/2022 at 18:25, leviathan13 said:

The problem is that people want to debate the issues, but only those with the 'right' opinions are allowed to discuss them. The rest tend to be shouted down as transphobic.


Until both sides are allowed to air an opinion in a civilised and mature manner, the issue will remain divisive and controversial.

I do wonder whether the issue only really emerging in the age of social media is a factor in the polarising of the debate. Social media is probably not the best place to debate anything, although it has a role.

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

I do wonder whether the issue only really emerging in the age of social media is a factor in the polarising of the debate. Social media is probably not the best place to debate anything, although it has a role.

I don't see it as any better or worse as a platform - the issue is that people can be put in 'Facebook jail', for example, simply because someone was 'offended' by what they said and made a complaint.


Guest speakers at colleges/universities are being protested and events cancelled before a word is said, so it's impossible to debate in those instances.


I think the rise of social media has helped to get the trans, and many other, issues out in the open, but people then jump on the band-wagon and see it as trendy to be for/against with one side unwilling to listen to the other. This then leads to the internet users becoming 'experts' on a subject. So, you get children seeing things online and, because their son plays with a dollhouse or their daughter plays with an Action Man, the parents automatically think their kid is trans and push them in that direction.

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10 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

I don't see it as any better or worse as a platform - the issue is that people can be put in 'Facebook jail', for example, simply because someone was 'offended' by what they said and made a complaint.


Guest speakers at colleges/universities are being protested and events cancelled before a word is said, so it's impossible to debate in those instances.


I think the rise of social media has helped to get the trans, and many other, issues out in the open, but people then jump on the band-wagon and see it as trendy to be for/against with one side unwilling to listen to the other. This then leads to the internet users becoming 'experts' on a subject. So, you get children seeing things online and, because their son plays with a dollhouse or their daughter plays with an Action Man, the parents automatically think their kid is trans and push them in that direction.

Are you confident there's evidence of this? 

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14 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Are you confident there's evidence of this? 

As with most things i post, it's just opinion based on what i see/read/watch. This comment was based on something i watched online.


Basically, the commentator was suggesting that before, a girl who displayed more boyish characteristics would've just been seen as a tomboy. Now, some parents are likely to push for them to be trans. I found it a reasonable argument/assumption based on what i've seen online and in the media.

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48 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

As with most things i post, it's just opinion based on what i see/read/watch. This comment was based on something i watched online.


Basically, the commentator was suggesting that before, a girl who displayed more boyish characteristics would've just been seen as a tomboy. Now, some parents are likely to push for them to be trans. I found it a reasonable argument/assumption based on what i've seen online and in the media.

I think I'd be cautious about this. It's not impossible that a small number of parents might go down this route, but I should think the vast majority wouldn't want to open that can of worms.

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