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Mp Comes Out As Transgender

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21 minutes ago, crookesey said:

If this had been a pop star or a recognised artist there would have been no comments, what’s so special about MP’s?

Priorities, and click bait? The MSM is in the business of selling cars, phones, and drugs.


Every year some 9,000,000 people die from hunger over a third of them are children. (UN)


At the same time the virtue signalling West spends some $250,000,000,000.00 on their pets.


Watch the Dog Shows?


It can cost up to $250,000.00 just to get a dog to competion level.


We live in a crazy. mixed up world, Crookesey  :)

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Dictionaries don't define words, they document usage and are revised as that usage changes. 'Appeal to dictionary' arguments are built on sand.

Well, that's a strange argument because those definitions accurately describe the reproductive process, of which we are all a product of.  Your comment perfectly illustrates  what is happening right now ie the very word 'woman' cannot be spoken because of a very small minority of people.  Women have become 'cervix havers', 'chest feeders', 'birthing people', 'menstruators', 'uterus havers', 'vulva owners'.   Even the word 'mother' is taboo in some quarters. Keir Starmer can't say what a woman is and yet he hopes to govern the country. He doesn't appear to know that only women have a cervix.  He feels 'it ought not to be said'.  A high ranking judge in America recently declared that she couldn't say what a woman is because she is not a biologist!  Despite Stonewall's lobbying, at least their CEO Nancy Kelly is on record as admitting that there is a difference between trans women and biological women (Radio 4, Woman's Hour).  There is hope yet. 

Edited by Jomie
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18 minutes ago, Jomie said:

Well, that's a strange argument because those definitions accurately describe the reproductive process, of which we are all a product of.  Your comment perfectly illustrates  what is happening right now ie the very word 'woman' cannot be spoken because of a very small minority of people.  Women have become 'cervix havers', 'chest feeders', 'birthing people', 'menstruators', 'uterus havers', 'vulva owners'.   Even the word 'mother' is taboo in some quarters. Keir Starmer can't say what a woman is and yet he hopes to govern the country. He doesn't appear to know that only women have a cervix.  He feels 'it ought not to be said'.  A high ranking judge in America recently declared that she couldn't say what a woman is because she is not a biologist!  Despite Stonewall's lobbying, at least their CEO Nancy Kelly is on record as admitting that there is a difference between trans women and biological women (Radio 4, Woman's Hour).  There is hope yet. 

Most Rangers fans have trouble using the 'C' word,  despite them both playing in the same City 🤣 🤣 🤣.

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Altus actually makes a good point about dictionary definitions. With sufficient lobbying, maybe the compilers of the various dictionaries can be persuaded to change the definitions of ‘woman’,  ‘female’, ‘man’, ‘male’. It would be interesting to see what they come up with. 

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5 hours ago, Delbow said:

If you really want to be more informed, then you would need to read some stuff about the difference between sex and gender (as trans people see it) since that is fundamental to the whole concept of being transgender.

As I’ve said, I’m quite aware of the movement (and I understand the motivation and desire) to shift the goal posts and redefine words, all in the name of allowing trans people to perpetuate the myth that a man can be a woman, and a woman a man.


What more is there to be informed about?


39 minutes ago, Jomie said:

Altus actually makes a good point about dictionary definitions. With sufficient lobbying, maybe the compilers of the various dictionaries can be persuaded to change the definitions of ‘woman’,  ‘female’, ‘man’, ‘male’. It would be interesting to see what they come up with. 

The wikipedia pages for ‘trans woman’ and ‘woman’ are of some interest (on iPad, so fiddly to create links, sorry).


The trans woman page states that a trans woman is a woman. While the woman page lists characteristics along the lines of the dictionary definition you posted.

Edited by Waldo
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Thought about posting this for a while ,so here goes . I knew a man for thirty years or more , sadly no longer with us . In the last few years of his life he came out as transgender and started the trans process  ,which was a massive shock to all that knew him ,even his ex wife . I will carry on calling him a man as thats how I knew him .When I first met him aged 16 he already had a reputation as a hard , street fighting  lad who lost very few fights ,in fact in all the years I know to him only losing once . In his adult life he went on to pursue , for want of a better word " Macho" interests . Working in the building trade , boxing training , sparring with anyone,  rough camping , long hiking (alone ) and of course still fighting anyone bare knuckle style . When he came out , I felt immediately sorry for him because it seemed to me all those years he was really fighting himself trying to hide his true feelings , which is a great shame not only for him but us as well .  Please people ,try not to judge 

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The problem is the current 'woke' way of thinking that wants to combine two clearly understandable things into one, which no one seems capable of agreeing upon because they are quite different things. What you are physically and biologically is what determines your sex; the number of chromosomes dictates if you are male or female. What you identify with is a totally different thing and it's a personal thing dictated by your opinion of yourself. If people could just agree that someone can be a man that identifies as a woman, a woman that identifies as a man and a man that identifies as a neither than everyone would just get along. It's the current line of thinking that seems to want us to believe an individual has a different biological sex just because they say so which is causing the bother.


If a man says he is a woman, then IMO he isn't unless he has gone through the entire physical process of turning from one to another, if that is even a process we can achieve. A man who claims he is a woman just because he wears women's clothes isn't a woman, they are a man identifying as a woman.


If a man of 20 identifies as someone of 80, is he 80?

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4 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

"Woman" with a penis impregnates to fellow inmates in prison.



As far as I'm concerned if a man wants to be called a women then cool. Good luck to them. 

If he wants me to address him as she then no problem. I can live with that 

I draw the line at men identifying as women competing in sports against biological women (especially in combat sports) and I definitely draw a line at men being placed in women's  prisons.

It's utterly insane and obviously a very real danger to biological women.


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