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The Reunification Of Ireland Could It Happen Sooner Than We Think

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I couldn’t care less what religion, sexuality, gender or age my MP is, just as long as I agree with them politically, the Northern Ireland situation was a bad compromise, the sooner that Ireland becomes a single country the better.


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4 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I couldn’t care less what religion, sexuality, gender or age my MP is, just as long as I agree with them politically, the Northern Ireland situation was a bad compromise, the sooner that Ireland becomes a single country the better.


Bang on .

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We all thought referendums (referenda...?) were a bad idea, then we had one on Scottish indy, which was conclusive but left Nicola and her bravehearts still seething. Then we had one on Brexit which was barely conclusive, so we still have folks arguing the toss years afterwards. So they are now a dreadful idea. One on the irish border wouldn't solve the underlying tribal problems, just incorporate them into a another hitherto peaceful country.  


If the Scots persist then how about the Shetland Islanders having a referendum about going back to Norway?   There is a voice for this, aalbeit a minority. However, it would mean all the oil and gas (whether or not it is a diminishing resource) heading over to Norway rather than heading south to heat your house.  Don't laugh...............

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55 minutes ago, FoxLady said:

Unfortunately, they do.

Obviously you’ve first hand experience FoxLady and no one can deny your personal experience. That said, are you sure the differences are religious or based on identity, which is I concede is a complex conundrum in the case of Ulster ? 
It’s strange how one small corner of Western Europe has evolved into this situation. A product I suppose of Britains imperialist past.

I was in Belfast a few years ago and it has apparently improved since the qGood Friday Agreement. We had a guided walking tour of the Falls Road and Shankill areas including Milltown Cemetery and the Republican area. There’s a Peace Wall with gates open to allow passage which are locked early every evening between the two communities. Three years ago the two communities voted 60% to keep the gates locked.

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Putting politics and religion aside. Unification could bring both sides economic benefits Northern Ireland is already in the Single Market for goods the Republic is a full EU member putting both economies together could prove  beneficial for stronger economic growth.

Edited by GabrielC
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10 hours ago, West 77 said:

Sinn Fein/ IRA  haven't and won't campaign for a border poll because they know they will lose.  There won't ever be a united Ireland just like there will never be an independent Scotland because as already pointed out the majority of the electorate know which side  of their bread is butted. The truth is it's the anti Brexit / anti democratic mob who want a united Ireland and independent Scotland the most as they believe it will be punishment for our democratic choice to leave the EU.  The anti Brexit / anti democratic mob are still throwing their toys out of the pram because they didn't get their own way nearly 6 years after the EU referendum vote.

They will eventually. It's better for their aim of reunification if they spend a few terms being first minister so the Protestants get used to and become more accepting of the idea of Catholics in charge - just like they became more positive about the Good Friday Agreement and staying in the EU single market post brexit once they experienced the benefits.

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8 hours ago, carosio said:

I think some might have second thoughts when they will have to pay for visits to GPs in Eire.

I don’t think they will. Because at the rate the NHS is now getting stripped, by the time the reunification question is tabled in Ireland, free visits to GPs will have ended anyway.


(PS: you know GP visits are funded by the HSE in the Republic, right?)

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