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Facebook Now Getting Very Much Like The Old Sf

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I think people's sense pf humour is very subjective, and it can get people into trouble these days, more's the pity. 

I doubt people mean to be offensive, but it can be taken that way, which is why people seem to becoming more wary of it. 

That means life generally is becoming more and more serious, and that gets you down.  But let's face it, sometimes the only way to cope with life, is to laugh at it.


Please keep on seeing the funny side of our bizarre existance and hope for the best.

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On 09/04/2022 at 10:56, melthebell said:

The reason facebook is so strict is because they had to go up in front of mps and got told to crackdown.

Trouble is they use AI bots instead of people so it gets triggered by keywords, no context used as all.



I'm currently serving a ban for replying to a sale post. 


My crime:


"Those are gorgeous. If I had spare cash I'd snap your hand off" 


To everyone and their grandma they would think I'd was being complimentary. 


To FB, inciting violence 

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7 minutes ago, Resident said:



I'm currently serving a ban for replying to a sale post. 


My crime:


"Those are gorgeous. If I had spare cash I'd snap your hand off" 


To everyone and their grandma they would think I'd was being complimentary. 


To FB, inciting violence 

LOL yeah, its mental LOL, yet you can bully away as long as you dont mention the keywords, i got banned for hate speech for saying I hate radiohead, i really arent a fan of them, i dislike them, dont get them, it was a turn of phrase but farcebook sees it as i was hating

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45 minutes ago, melthebell said:

LOL yeah, its mental LOL, yet you can bully away as long as you dont mention the keywords, i got banned for hate speech for saying I hate radiohead, i really arent a fan of them, i dislike them, dont get them, it was a turn of phrase but farcebook sees it as i was hating

Sounds like they are monitored by machine which is never a satisfactory solution.

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8 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Sounds like they are monitored by machine which is never a satisfactory solution.

yeah its "AI", artificial intelligence, trouble is theres no Intelligence involved. Ive also been banned for hate speech for mentioning a song title from hippy Roy Harper, "i hate the whiteman", now everybody on here should know im not a racist lol, but cos it features the term I hate, then a colour you get banned

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On 07/04/2022 at 10:55, ab6262 said:

anyone else notice how Facebook is now banning people for the slightest thing just like the old Mods on here used to do?

at first you get warnings and then a 24hr ban then 3 days and then a month, once you get a month if you digress again its straight to another month????? ridiculous.

what ever happend to free speech (unless its downright objectionable). i have just been put in facebook jail again for a comment, somene put up a video of 2 liverpool older ladies fighting drunk in a taxi and on the street, swearing and generally not nice so i commented "a couple of skanks" instant ban for bullying it said and there is pretty much no re-dress, anyone else had a petty ban?

The other day, I was discussing holiday locations in the comments section of one of the UK leading news sources. I wrongly type country name, instead Montenegro, i put two word separately, "Monte Negra."   Somebody reported me for hate speech and I got a warning.

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I was banned on facebook for calling somone racist. They made a blatantly anti white comment, I called him on it and got 3 days (I think it was 3 days) on the Facebook naughty step. Funny thing is that racists comment wasn't removed too 🙄🤣


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I’ve never used it and from experiences given by close friends and relations, I wouldn’t want to!
I wouldn’t touch fb with an extended barge pole. It’s become a platform for voyeurs, egotism, exhibitionism and the keyboard sniping and backbiting that’s gone on has broken down proper relationships.

It may have its uses for some I suppose.

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