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Missed Opportunities.

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I'm reminiscing about what might have been........

Who remembers the memory man "Leslie Welch"  not many I guess...

Anyway I was better than him, in fact I was a child genius.... I could listen to the football results on the radio, and quite easily recite every result and score from memory..

I could tell you the winners of all the cup finals, scores, scorers, attendances, I could name where every football club played, their nicknames, managers, what colours they played in..

I was the same with boxing, horse racing, golf, owt to do with sport.

Later in life I used to solve any query's my mates had...

I was also a genius at mathematics, when I was at school, the teachers used to ask me to work out their winnings on any winning horse racing bets.. "Eg. 1shilling ew on a 100/8"  I did this in an instance...

I've often wondered that had I been interested in something other than sport, lets say, Medicine, there is no doubt I would have been a brain surgeon, or even beat that Christian Barnard bloke to the worlds 1st heart transplant..Opportunity missed.


I also used to play football for the works team..

I was invited by Chesterfield FC  to have a trial with them, so one Saturday morning I packed my kit, caught the bus to Chesterfield and made my way to Saltergate where I met the manager Tony Mc'shane (1963) he put me through my paces, and I must have impressed cus he invited me back the following week...

You know what, I couldn't be bothered, to much faffing about bussing it to Chesterfield.

Just thinking back I could have become a football legend, Bobby Moore would have been sidelined, and I would have captained England to World Cup glory in 66.

Another opportunity missed.....


Due to my handsome good looks and marvelous physique, charm and personality, all the girls used to follow me around seeking my autograph..

So maybe I should have taken up an acting career, 

Burt Lancaster,

Cary Grant,

James Stewart,

Henry Fonda,

Clarke Gable,

Spencer Tracy,

Richard Burton, what chance would he have had with Liz Taylor with Padders around..

One more missed opportunity...

It seems like everytime I came to the crossroads of life, instead of taking the left or right turn, I carried straight on down the road to obscurity..

Has anyone else got stories about missed opportunitys....

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Who was the 'memory' man from Sheff late 60's / 70's who's sports knowledge extended to him including knowing who the linesmen were and even who the guy operated the white line machine to mark the pitch was 

Long time ago, but he was always on't telly.

Think it was only football knowledge, but like I said, long time ago 8) .

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12 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

Who was the 'memory' man from Sheff late 60's / 70's who's sports knowledge extended to him including knowing who the linesmen were and even who the guy operated the white line machine to mark the pitch was 

Long time ago, but he was always on't telly.

Think it was only football knowledge, but like I said, long time ago 8) .

Pete Blackburn,  Rocker.

If he didn't know an answer, he'd ask me.

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When I was THE  model for Calvin Klein underneath pants I was offered the chance to join the Dreamboys for a residency in Las Vegas . After a few shows of strutting my stuff to an audience of rotund Ladies and a few Gentlemen, I suddenly remembered something my mam told me . She said to me that I was “gifted “ and I shouldn’t show off and shove my “ gift” in peoples faces . With my mams words ringing in my ears I packed up and came back to Sheffield, picked up a hod and went to work for Ackroyd Abbots . I often wonder how my life would’ve work out if I had stayed in Vegas 

Edited by hackey lad
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43 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

When I was THE  model for Calvin Klein underneath pants I was offered the chance to join the Dreamboys for a residency in Las Vegas . After a few shows of strutting my stuff to an audience of rotund Ladies and a few Gentlemen, I suddenly remembered something my mam told me . She said to me that I was “gifted “ and I shouldn’t show off and shove my “ gift” in peoples faces . With my mams words ringing in my ears I packed up and came back to Sheffield, picked up a hod and went to work for Ackroyd Abbots . I often wonder how my life would’ve work out if I had stayed in Vegas 

That's a awesome story Hackey, Makes you wonder doesn't it.

I think it's a bit of a come down from the bright lights of Vegas, to strutting your Builders Bum on some grey and dismal building site..

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