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Boris And Carrie Johnson Fined For Party Gate Along With Rishi Sunak

Should Boris resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Boris resign?

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3 hours ago, Litotes said:

Perhaps we need clearer distinction between civil and criminal law... and clearer rules about public office.

But we already have that.


3 hours ago, Litotes said:

I am also glad that Dromedary has identified the distinction between criminal law and civil law as being the red line for 'go' or 'no go' for the parliamentary conduct code.

But I didn't say that. ;)


3 hours ago, Litotes said:

I guess we will see him stand fast behind any calls for anyone who has been found guilty of a breach of criminal law to go...

To go........? You didn't say anything about criminal law but just law... so which is it?


Just to annoy you... Boris has not been found guilty of any breach in criminal law.

3 hours ago, Litotes said:

Anyone such as those who beat their girlfriends or wives, who are racist, sexist or bullies, etc etc...

And there we leave it...........:)


Nite nite

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2 hours ago, crookesey said:

I am minded to wonder what WW2 rationing rules were broken by cabinet members, Churchill’s tobacco and alcohol usage would be unlikely to stand close scruriny.

It would have been an option to say that our MPs were exempt from the rules, because running the country is the most important job there is.

But Johnson didn't say that, they were meant to follow the same rules as everyone else. He lied instead.

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There is always a largish number of cops on duty in Downing Street and I am still waiting to hear what they were all doing whilst all this partying was taking place.

Were they at the parties or did they just turn a blind eye, thereby aiding and abetting law breaking.

Were they in the same building and didn't even know about the parties because I would think they are very highly trained and instructed to be extra vigilant in a job like that.

It shouldn't have taken all that time to investigate the case, given that a number of cops were in the building when it happened.

That's a good basis for a new Carry On film to my mind and, as Boris is a natural idiot anyway, who doesn't know the difference between a party and work, they couldn't go wrong with that.

Add to that, that Cummings, who was virtually running the country, went on a drive of a few hundred miles to test his eyesight.

there's even a ready made (oven ready) script for it all.

Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, West 77 said:

For heavens sake the people who were in the Downing Street area were at their place of work keeping the country running.  These same people also couldn't visit ill, elderly or dying people in care homes or hospitals so there wasn't one rule for them and another rule for everyone else.

Many people kept the country running, but managed to stick to the rules that Johnson and his chums devised.

Interestingly, Johnson was quick to criticise Margaret Ferrier MSP, who broke Covid law, insisting that: 

 "it was vital that everyone obeys the rules and the guidance"

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26 minutes ago, West 77 said:

There have been no allegations of people working in Downing Street knowingly infected with covid going on long train trips to Scotland which I understand Margaret Ferrier has admitted doing.  In this latest Mr Men political point scoring attempt you really are comparing apples with oranges. 

The fact is he broke the Covid laws that he brought in, and then has consistently obfuscated, lied, and tried to divert from.

His ridiculous excuses "I didn't know it was a party" etc etc are just laughable, and hark back to the infamous report his school master at Eton wrote of him.

You're obviously happy to be taken for a mug by this entitled buffoon. I'm not, and neither are the majority of the electorate.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

Boris hasn't admitted he has broken any covid laws by accepting and paying a small fixed penalty fine.  I like most normal people don't feel a mug and just want the government led by Boris to concentrate on dealing with real important issues that are happening everyday.  I believe the majority of the electorate want the same and an end to all the Downing Street allegations that happened or didn't happen well over a year ago making the news. 

Paying a fine is admitting it no. If he thinks he's done nothing wrong then why pay it.  The public want a leader they can trust in not someone who keeps lying. 

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