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Boris And Carrie Johnson Fined For Party Gate Along With Rishi Sunak

Should Boris resign?  

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  1. 1. Should Boris resign?

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I believe that the opposition can call for a vote of no confidence in the government but the Majority party elect the person who they wish to lead the government .

For me the Conservatives can see out their tenure but that man has to go.

The conservatives could still win a no confidence vote and dump Boris

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2 hours ago, Thorpist said:

The conservatives could still win a no confidence vote and dump Boris

I'd like to think so, but as much as it irks me to say so, who could replace him from the current cabinet?  Sad state of affairs...a liar and a charlatan, supported by sycophants protecting their own political careers.


All power to the minority of government MPs who have the moral compass to speak out against the Criminal.


Some consolation will be had in the impending kicking Tories will get in the local elections.


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15 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Paying a fixed penalty notice doesn't make anyone a criminal.  


What is a sad state of affairs is that so much parliamentary time has been wasted on this nonsense.

He's done what he's done all his life when found out. He's  lied, obfuscated and dodged.

Why is he whipping his backbench MPs into voting the way he wants in tomorrows Standards inquiry into whether he's told the truth?

For example Sajid Javid in January said that if he was found to have broken the rules he'd have to resign.

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3 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Because there are more pressing matters to be getting on with rather than old washer women continually discussing this nonsense for political point scoring purposes.

And those pressing matters depend upon a Prime Minister telling the truth.


Stop embarrassing yourself.

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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Boris has told the truth.  The truth is he didn't consider any of the gatherings he attended in the workplace to be breaking any covid rules.  


One of your problems is that you don't judge something to be the truth if it's not want you want to hear.

The Truth is he's a liar. You can't accept that because you think Boris is wonderful and can do no wrong. 

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14 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Boris has told the truth.  The truth is he didn't consider any of the gatherings he attended in the workplace to be breaking any covid rules.  


One of your problems is that you don't he didn't consider any of the gatherings he attended in the workplace to be breaking any covid rules.  

No he hasn't told the truth. He was found to have broken his own rules, that he brought in. And now he's trying to squirm out of it by engaging in mental gymnastics and embarrassing himself.

How do you know  'he didn't consider any of the gatherings he attended in the workplace to be breaking any covid rules'.  

We've had reports in the papers that he organised a party in No 10, how is that not breaking the covid rules and the ministerial code by lying.


"I don't judge something to be the truth if it's not want you want to hear." That's rich coming from a complete Johnson apologist. 



Why  was it right that Johnson was furious about what Allegra Stratton said when the tape was revealed about her laughing about the parties in No 10, and "it was right that she resigned"?

Why did Johnson not want Matt Hancock to resign when he broke the rules?

Why did Sajid Javid say in January that if Boris Johnson was found to have broke the rules then he would have to go?

If Johnson believed that he was innocent - he should not have paid the fine and gone to court to prove his innocence

Edited by Mister M
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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Oh dear, the anti Boris / anti democratic mob are getting their knickers in a twist again just because things are no going their own way and Boris is going to remain Prime Minister for the foreseeable future.  I'm a compassionate person and welcome some kind of telephone helpline for these people to give any support they need.  If it's any comfort I guarantee one day Boris will go to Buckingham Palace to resign as Prime Minister.

And what's happening now is going your way?

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

just because things are no going their own way

i think it's mostly the lies he keeps telling to parliament.


example : he keeps whanging on about there being more people in work now, than before 2020.


which isn't true. he knows this isn't true, he's been told dozens of times.


employment - fullfact




Why did Allegra Stratton have to resign?


Why did Prof Neil Ferguson have to resign?


Why the double-standards to protect Johnson?

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Interesting take on this from A N Other forum (and I agree with him) :


Hancock’s transgression annoyed me far more than Boris, because it’s clear he really believed in lockdowns; whereas we know Boris didn’t and just imposed them to be popular. That makes Hancock the bigger hypocrite.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

Oh dear, the anti Boris / anti democratic mob are getting their knickers in a twist again just because things are no going their own way and Boris is going to remain Prime Minister for the foreseeable future.  I'm a compassionate person and welcome some kind of telephone helpline for these people to give any support they need.  If it's any comfort I guarantee one day Boris will go to Buckingham Palace to resign as Prime Minister.

I'm a big supporter of Johnson & I'd like him there, fighting at the next election but he is PM, he was the one making the rules, he was the one doing the broadcasts, both singularity, directly to the nation & as part of the daily briefings, INSTRUCTING us ALL to abide by the rules but then breaking them himself. 


I don't buy this "It's an affront to democracy" line trotted out by opposition parties but for me it is a resigning issue on principle alone. 

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