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South Yorkshire Mayoral Election 2022


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3 hours ago, ads36 said:

that's not very fair.


Whether we're calling it 'The Sheffield City Region', or 'The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority',


it didn't even really exist *when* he got the job, he had to persuade the leaders of Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham, Barnsley,  to ... effectively give up some of their powers, to the new office (in return for increased funding).


There was a very real chance the whole lot was going to fall apart. He did a decent job getting them all to sign up.


Do you remember when Cameron got in Trouble for saying something like "we knew Yorkshire hated us, but we didn't know they hated each other" - he was talking about the difficulty in setting up combined regions in Yorkshire.


IIRC, some of the funding and powers have only just come through...?


(the government, and the mayor are still arguing about buses)


if only there was a system of interconnected computers, which allowed us to quickly and easily access the sum total of human knowledge, with only a few simple clicks and button presses...

So when are we going to see some tangible results of all this new team work?

So far it just sounds like he's managed to  maneuver himself into the top job...

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all I can say is I got door drop from labour guy and he mentioned fixing the buses. I emailed him asking for some clarification in the light of Danny Boys complete failure to do more than talk the talk on the subject


9 days later he has not even had the courtesy to reply so clearly even as he pleads for our votes he is treating the voters with contempt


Are any of the others better no idea

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4 minutes ago, BigAl1 said:

Worth you having a look at the campaign leaflets then I suspect many of them have this down certainly in my area

Of course they have, in an attempt to get votes.


The reality of their power expecially in an urban area is likely to be sorting out a Ring and Ride service for the elderly.


In addition - in what area is the claim that the buses are "broken"?

Edited by HeHasRisen
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