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Bbc : Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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3 minutes ago, fools said:

Still trying to divert?


If this thread was about why someone didn't like a particular supermarket, what supermarket they shop at has no relevance, perhaps they don't go shopping


You have to be really stupid not to spot the BBC Agenda

Please advise what the BBC agenda is.

That seems like a very comprehensive programme

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After seeing this thread a couple of nights ago, I switched on the BBC news channel for 10 minutes to check if it had got any better of late.


Two items back to back about misogyny, domestic abuse, racism. Wall to wall misandry and wokery as usual, when they aren't forcing the green agenda down everyone's gullet.


Radio 4 is a lost cause.



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4 minutes ago, fools said:

After seeing this thread a couple of nights ago, I switched on the BBC news channel for 10 minutes to check if it had got any better of late.


Two items back to back about misogyny, domestic abuse, racism. Wall to wall misandry and wokery as usual, when they aren't forcing the green agenda down everyone's gullet.


Radio 4 is a lost cause.



You don't even need 10mins, its appalling, how anyone can pretend it isn't biased nonsense is beyond me, I only hear the news on 6 Music and I either burst out laughing or quickly turn it off, its dreadful.

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10 minutes ago, top4718 said:

You don't even need 10mins, its appalling, how anyone can pretend it isn't biased nonsense is beyond me, I only hear the news on 6 Music and I either burst out laughing or quickly turn it off, its dreadful.

Watched a bit of QT last night, concluded that the general public (apart from a couple of brave exceptions) have been mass hypnotised.


All very strange. And then there's the doorstep clapping...


Started to go downhill maybe 20 years ago.

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14 hours ago, alchresearch said:

According to the BBC

People in Cardiff 'eating pet food'




I wonder if they'll proudly put that they broke the dog food story of 2022 on their linkedin resume.


Hope it makes it onto an episode of Panorama


Beginning to wonder if this food bank lot are trolling the media.


"These are shocking kind of stories that are actually the truth.", that would make a great punchline in a Brass eye/Day today script

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3 hours ago, RJRB said:

Please advise what the BBC agenda is.

That seems like a very comprehensive programme

What's that old concept.


...The left always whinge the BBC is nothing but a load of Oxbridge posh tory supporters acting as some secondary government mouthpiece.


...The right always whinge the BBC is nothing but a load of lefty liberal multicultural vegan ecomentalists preaching their wokish nonsense....


I guess that means they're pitching just about right.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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18 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

They are not 'topics' they are words you used to describe a significant section of the British public.


People anywhere know that to refer to others as the "...gullible great unwashed...." is an insult.

For a foreigner in a foreign country thousands of miles away, who has only recently has been able to access more than a tiny fraction of BBC output, to formulate an opinion that BBC viewers, readers and listeners are a "...gullible great unwashed audience...." is an insult.

You seriously need to re-calibrate your (very selective) "outrage meter" to reflect the reality of forum posts.


Accusations of "conspiracy theorists", "Putin puppet", and the relentless  accusations of poster's dire mental instabilities hurled with wild abandon on this forum, seem to float below your level of cognition!  :)


But no matter, to get back on topic, there is some breaking major news concerning Elon Musk and Twitter.


But don't look for it on BBC or the Guardian yet!


Try New York Post, or Foxnews to stay up to date on current issues!  :)



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19 hours ago, RJRB said:

Look on the main BBC news site any day of the week and there will be stories of a comparatively minor nature compared to world affairs.

It takes a particular mindset to then use a particular editorial decision to confirm BBC bias.

On another day there will be other items that represent your priorities.

No, a story about a non league footballer having Long Covid is of minor interest, unless, of course, some organisation or government has an interest in publicising it. But, err, that would be bias. And it was no co-incidence that it appeared just as the government and the over cautious "experts" were getting their knickers in a twist over Covid as "Flu season" was approaching.

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19 hours ago, Tyke02 said:

That's wierd, because on November 6, 2021 the wayback machine has it in the same place as it is now, the London regional page: https://web.archive.org/web/20211106004126/https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-london-59039726

Are you saying the BBC had it posted in two different places?


It looks like a human interest story about long term issues that have interrupted someone's life following infection for over  year.  Given that there are more than a million people in that situation in this country this year a number of news outlets have reported on the issue, e.g. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/oct/06/more-than-1m-people-report-long-covid-in-uk-a-year-after-infection

or https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/06/record-one-28-people-now-believe-have-long-covid/


One from each end of the political spectrum, and one from the middle.  Where's the bias?

  1. information received from other people which cannot be substantiated

That story was in the London section , but there was a pictured link to it from the main news page (on the right) I complained about that and the BBC did not dispute that was the case because it was true (their full answer is here).

Are you disputing it ? You appear to be by giving me the definition of "hearsay".


>>It looks like a human interest story about long term issues<<


Oh dear, there really are none so blind.

Quite apart from anything else Long Covid WAS exaggerated, they have admitted that now :


Long Covid less common than feared - ONS study (19 Sept 21)
One in 40 people with coronavirus has symptoms [however mild] lasting at least three months, Office for National Statistics figures suggest.
In April, an ONS report put the proportion at about one in every 10.
The latest, large and comprehensive analysis suggests long Covid may be less common than previously thought.


(29 Sept 21) People also suffer 'long flu', study shows

People who have fallen ill with flu can suffer long-term symptoms in a similar way to long Covid, a study suggests.

The Oxford University research analysed health records of people diagnosed with flu and Covid, mainly in the US.

The two groups - both with just over 100,000 patients - included people seeking healthcare for symptoms three to six months after infection.

These included problems such as anxiety, abnormal breathing, fatigue and headaches.

There were signs that Covid patients were more likely to have long-term symptoms - 42% had at least one symptom recorded compared with 30% in the flu group.


OMG ! After all that scaremongering, is that really the best they can do ? : Covid can give 42% symptoms [however mild] whereas with Flu it's "only" 30%.
Certainly worth changing the whole of society to avoid, not.

But even that comparatively minor difference "could have been influenced by the fact that people may be more likely to seek care for long-term symptoms [for Covid] or the way symptoms are recorded for Covid."

Really ?

After all this obsessive publicity and scaremongering about Long Covid ?

Surely not.


The Guardian article does not seem balanced : The figures are based on people self-reporting whether they have experienced ongoing symptoms for more than four weeks after what they think was their first Covid infection.

It is common to have symptoms weeks, even months, after a viral infection. I had a cough for three months in early 2021, but would I have changed my life in any way to avoid getting that particular infection ?


Like most of the Covid stuff it's exaggerated and over cautious (like most of modern society).



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6 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

What's that old concept.


...The left always whinge the BBC is nothing but a load of Oxbridge posh tory supporters acting as some secondary government mouthpiece.


...The right always whinge the BBC is nothing but a load of lefty liberal multicultural vegan ecomentalists preaching their wokish nonsense....


I guess that means they're pitching just about right.

You miss the 500 pound gorilla in the room! 


BBC, like all public broadcasters, is depending on the government to fund it's huge operational reach at home and abroad.


Conservative's want to variously, privatize, cut funding, even defund them completely, and let them try to sell their product in a free market place!


Naturally they have no interest in seeing conservatives elected.


No conspiracy theories, just human nature.


Tell me who's not a biased when it comes to losing your job, or your funding! :)


But to head off the usual "what would you recommend as a news source, then?"


I'd say one of the most politically balanced in the material and opinions they publish, is RealClearPolitics.


As a "news aggregator" they publish ALL the polls, and the main news and opinion from both sides of the political spectrum.


And it's FREE!  :)


The BBC could package their comedies, dramas, soap opera's and excellent documentaries, and market them as is done in this 21st century, by many others profitably.


The money saved could go to the cash strapped gummint agencies, folks on here are always winging about, NHS, education, housing, et al.





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